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Re: Playing Fair?

Originally posted by RussianSkeleton
Why do you take it so seriuosly? Does it matter who u play vs? Im playing for fun, and i dont care if those who i play vs are mercs or not.

And if u just cant get over the simple game, yes,its just a game.
I see no point in making such big deal out of it.
Theres no way you can tell that your clan doesnt not use mercs or so.
Just because you put the right Clantag doesnt pruth that you are the member.

You all get annoyed because you simply losed to LORDS,thats all. Otherwise you would shut the fuck up. IMHO

So you mean... having members listed will make it better? when at the same time utlord might use mercs? WILL THAT MAKE U HAPPY?


if ur playing for fun stay out of a league .. go play friendlies

u say grow up in another reply of urs i think ur the one who should GROW up

>You all get annoyed because you simply losed to LORDS,thats >all. Otherwise you would shut the fuck up. IMHO

yes i'm so annoyed i lose to you :bowdown:

dont care if u win or u lose using mercs/doubleclanners is lame. Tho i have to agree winning from u makes my dick get hard coz i love beating merc teams :P
Originally posted by RussianSkeleton
If u are so good, then go and check, who are the members.

where did he say he was good to check ur members.. he was asking u for the members.. (and not the ones who're playing for utlords)


i dont play for money and i play for fun but in the end it's a league.. a competition.. no matter what the prize is.

i wonder.. u play any other sports? like soccer or sth.
where did he say he was good to check ur members.. he was asking u for the members.. (and not the ones who're playing for utlords)
Are u going to asnwer for others to?
No sorry i dont play any other sports..and who told u, that i have same opnion about any sports as the humanity does.

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