LeagueAS136 Public Release

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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DFP Public Server is updated :D

For all serveradmins using the MapVoteLA09: Don't forget to update the AS-Class in the MapVoteLA.ini:

ASClass=LeagueAS136Public.LeagueAssault --> ASClass=LeagueAS136.LeagueAssault
All my options arent working on this league as, pld on RC server, no league as tweaks, no font, no bigger chat window, and some shit combo which i never seen before ? wtf ? i changed lines in user.ini like in faq!
first impression is that it's better: no more fast-paced lag, only the usual (more or less predictable) lag and ping effects

-> ping feels worse but shooting is predictable again, very important
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Q: why can't u see ur combo when u change it in LeagueAS menu? now u gotta pick one.. try it, pick one, try it over and over till u got the right.. quite irri tbh :o
man pls allow rocketsmoke reduction to the level of lill tweaker.
since that is blocked my fps are a total mess, as soon as someone shoots rockets the framecount drops considerably, as soon as theres rocketspam (which there is on most maps) i have like 30 fps left which is just unplayable.
Gimme time to update the servers first fs :P

@Ajax: team coloured beams are enabled by default, as they've always been. The option is to turn this feature off as many ppl didn't like it.
i.e. iCTF players are not used to have blue beams.
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Reactions: Ajax
ok, I've just been playing for like 2 hours on the R-C #1 Server.
And, and from the beginning there were weird things happening, to name a few:

  • Ammunition disappearing in front of you. Rockets, shockcombos, shockballs, shockbeams, rippers, minigun tracers

    That was all i noticed gone missing.
  • People disappeared. Couldn't see the enemy, except when you already were shot, they suddenly appear.
  • Parts of the HUD disappeared. Ie. Ammunition-count. And the counter on the rocketlauncher was on zero all the time.
  • The usual part about some people seeing some right dodgy shit about people being launched with the RL instead of being killed.

    Yep happened too.
I know i weren't the only one encountering that ^
People were complaining over the same as I.

And of course, I don't know if this might have been the server. Or the serverpackage included with 136b.

Hope you can give me some good explanations to that :crap: