Best AS-player in leaguehistory?

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Obviously not me, KoM Steel did always impress me whenever I played him, Gen was good, Neo was good. And of course Mogul (honorary mention for all the games I've got thru mail over the years, you weren't that good :D)
lol red youre just so fantasized about men touching you it actually feels like they really are, but in all trueness ur soooo dillusioned with youre own homerness lol :flack:
Psychotic said:
Sal is indeed a great player despite of his NA ping. He performs a jump/trick noone else on this league can, not even Mc :P
I challenge any of you to try if you want, I have an old dem of it.


i love trixx challenges.

btw, that is a veeeeery hard hammer but the worst thing is i didnt know u had to backwards dodge while doing it, i had to figure that out myself. after about 100 trys.
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When I was a total n00b, like 3 days into playing UT - my first ever fps - I was on a server with McNeill and Nina Mi5... I was like OMG. :eek: So for that reason those pair stick in my mind as two of the best. :thumb:

As for now, there are a lot of good assaulters, some don't get the recognition they deserve, and there are some who seem to get a bit more credit than I personally thought they were due. What makes a good player? Is it someone who sits for hours and practises trick jumps, a top aim, who gets lots of objectives or what? I think assault is such a team event it's hard to pick out one player, 'cause who is to say how good they would be without a decent team behind them. There are great players and then there are people who make teams great.
lol that comes when i press cyters link: The page you are attempting to access has been removed because it violated Angelfire's Term of Service.