World of Warcraft

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Perrin said:
seeing as I am playing on a new server I guess it will take about a year before I get to see the inside of AQ, most bastards are so dang lazy with turning their stuff in :P

oh well I am just happy if we can get more then one player with UBRS key on the horde side for now.
Nah no worries, the resources will start tick by themselves by 3% every day so it'll only take about a month to get everything to 100% if you started from scratch. However, you will still need someone to fnish the scepter questline! :)
My guild downed Raggy on Friday for the first time, but I was out boozing.
Aw well.
See? Alcohol is bad for you (at least if you want Tier 2 Legs) :D

We killed stuffs up to Huhuran yesterday, today is (was, server still down) AQ20 day and tonight more AQ40 :D
The instance itself really looks cool, the atmosphere is nice 'n all, and some trashmobs are actually nice as opposed to the aarrhrhhh let's-go-afk BWL trash crap ;<

But then I guess the instance itself can be compared to MC more than BWL as far as 'the feel' goes, which isn't a bad thing imo.
Menace said:
But then I guess the instance itself can be compared to MC more than BWL as far as 'the feel' goes, which isn't a bad thing imo.
Ooh, I despise and hate AQ already and I haven't even sat foot in there yet! Seriously, how can you enjoy MC? I don't get it :p:
Maxiz! said:
Ooh, I despise and hate AQ already and I haven't even sat foot in there yet! Seriously, how can you enjoy MC? I don't get it :p:
It's a lot more open than BWL? ;>
The rest of it is just boring these days, but the open space is cool.
Menace said:
It's a lot more open than BWL? ;>
The rest of it is just boring these days, but the open space is cool.
Perhaps, but you were comparing the trash in the instances, not the open spaces, that's why I reacted. I for one actually like the trash mobs in bwl compared to the MC thrash ;)
Maxiz! said:
Perhaps, but you were comparing the trash in the instances, not the open spaces, that's why I reacted. I for one actually like the trash mobs in bwl compared to the MC thrash ;)
Oh, well I think you'll see :D
It's really "easy to like", besides... some of the Trash is harder to figure out than BWL & AQ bosses :D
AnTi said:
Not sure if you guys saw it, a new race for alliance in the upcoming expansion;
You know if I still could I would've red repped you. The Chuck Norris jokes are old, they are not even close to mildly amusing and the pic has been around for at least a month and on top of that it's posted at least five times a day on the official wow forums!

That's what I would do if I could..
Tonight Wowrush Rushers Downed Raggy :D


sorry if its abit big
Im the purple haired druid next to the druid withBlue hair in the middle sat down :) :) :)
Menace said:
Twin Emperors down today, they were a right bunch of gays, they were.

4th or 5th of Europe ( = :D ) and 3rd of our server ( = :( )

Edit: It must be said that this was the longest and most stressful fight in my WoW career, fucking extreme.
Requires 15-20 minutes of flawless focus/play by everyone and the slightest mistake = omgwipelol

give us lewtz!
Bracelets of Royal Redemption
Green Qiraji Resonating Crystal
Imperial Qiraji Armaments
Royal Qiraji Belt
Vek'lor's Diadem
Vek'nilash's Circlet

cba to link it, got school stuff to do :D