World of Warcraft

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Hmmm, I'd actually say Emeriss if you count the "PvP" factor (which is players from all factions running in and turning into lethal mushrooms that can potentially wipe the raid)
Perrin said:
Grats, wish I could find a decent guild and get me hands on some epic gear soon as well :P

p.s. maxiz smells
:( I'll poke you with a stick!

Oh and our server sucks when it comes to the War Effort. Our server's been up since Feb. 11th last year and we're way behind on a slacking 64th spot or something. I'm dissapointed :(
Not surprised to see your server being first with the gazillion guilds havin' bwl on farm and such you're all very very bored of the current content :p:
Menace said:
And we're quite proud of that! (still the world's best PvE server as fas as most guilds that killed nef goes afaik!)
No shit, rest of the players throughout Europe hasn't noticed.. HONEST! :p:

Seriously, sometimes it feels like there's a new thread about "Magtheridons Greatness" every day on the EU Forum, it's getting lame now. We've heard about it, we know what the people on your server think, let's move on! :P

But that's just my thoughts, it's cool to have a server with so many nefarian killing guilds.

We're up to 7 now btw.. We're coming for you!11oneo
Menace said:
Hmmm, I'd actually say Emeriss if you count the "PvP" factor (which is players from all factions running in and turning into lethal mushrooms that can potentially wipe the raid)
Must be crappy GMs on your realm if people can actually act like that.
CeCe said:
Over here people can easily get banned for ruining another guilds attempt at a world boss
Where are you playing? Is it on a RP server? Because I know they're a bit more strict on those servers.. Anyhow, Bladefist (where I play) is in the same situation as Menaces server, Magheridon. Crazy pvp with crazy griefing and yet no GM's to be seen :(
Well we gathered all the mats early after maintenance so we came in 2nd of Europe, 4th worldwide.
Could have been 1st of Europe if it hadn't been for that hell-maintenance and a lot of slacking (we did the last 14% or so in 24h after a motivating forum post!)

Oh well, back to farming for fun ;D
seeing as I am playing on a new server I guess it will take about a year before I get to see the inside of AQ, most bastards are so dang lazy with turning their stuff in :P

oh well I am just happy if we can get more then one player with UBRS key on the horde side for now.