weapon damage and hit action in zp

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How can it mess up your aim? All you gotta do is aim straight on the player, don't aim beside him aim right on him and you get a frag. I still don't get from where this mysterious buggy feeling comes from, I got none of that.
I don't know, but having ZP enabled caused alot of gameplay changes on my computer - i dont know whether this is computer / connection related or not, but the following happens: sounds of firing disappear, watching instabeams go through the enemy, watching no instabeam at all when you fire ( :confused: ), people with high ping seem to be even harder to hit than with ZP disabled.

Disabling ZP fixes everything described. Don't ask me why - it happens. It can be disabled anyway :)
If you wanna talk about serious bugs we should talk about the minigun (lol here we go again about the minigun). In our last match (mod - coh) on siege, wish or whoever was attacking from low and I was on top and he just looks up with minigun and a quick prrt and 70 health gone, gg. I mean WTF!? Minigun is sick strong on coh, -8- and server 6 and everyone with low ping can abuse it against high pingers. For high pingers the minigun is as useful as a third nipple and for low pingers like zyx who uses minigun in every situation (I can seriously hear him starting to wind up his minigun inside the base before I hit the f*ing beach on bridge and Im the first one there) it's the only way they can get a frag.
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Sounds like packetloss deadly but then again it can't be if it's gone when its not zp. Played on bad servers with zp? You are welcome to try out zp on coh server :)
The strength of the Enforcers and being able to headshot a crouched player are enough reason for ZP not to go live, especially the headshot bug - it changes gameplay completely.
Sorry to say MC, but your arguments are really flawed, and I’m getting tired of explaining why these points are so useless, anyway, here we go again:

“As OD mentioned, the mod is seriously bugged. I was watching a game recently on COH server and wish died in 4 pistol shots with shield belt from Squirrels pistol on bridge.”

--It was already said, enforcers are powerful in zp, nothing new here. As to me killing wish and he crying about it, should I show you 1 billion other times when people have done the same to me with minigun in less time by the way, since mini locks you down also (you can still do it, zp or non-zp, since mini is still gay and a non-zp weapon, especially in certain servers, but that is a different talk). Funny thing is no one complains, because sure people with low ping love it, as they can abuse it to high pingers any time they want to…

“If people have a bad ping, they have a bad ping. I played in this league with 56k for 3 years, even when everyone had their brand new 512k ADSL connections, It was something I had to put up with and as frustrating it was I put up with it.”

--I have put up with it for 8 years. I played on div1 against you (mi5) and others with 56K from us (400 ping) when UTA was on their prime by the way, just to give you some perspective.

“As a 56ker you also have the advantages of sliding, I remember the amount of flames being thrown by people saying get a better connection.”

--I don’t buy for a second that a 56ker has advantages over low pingers, I invite anyone to prove me wrong. Not to repeat myself again, but even when you’re “sliding”, you can’t do shit, and what about the rest of the time (99%) when you simply can’t kill/hammer anything? And could you please describe me how you feel when you have to deal with connection problems all the time, and at the same time idiots that have the privilege of a better connection flaming you because you have bad connection?

“Then after the better connection comes the, oh you low ping botter lol.”

--Yes, on American servers I get that flaming. Guess what, both times it’s the idiots that do the flaming

“There is advantages and disadvantages to ping, granted that having a lower ping is overall more beneficial.”

--Hm, is this still in question?

“I know your probably not preaching here, but you should know that it’s your choice to play on euro servers, your an American and should just put up with it.”

-- Nice attitude, do you have that in real life also? I play wherever I have fun, and get to hang out with people I consider friends, US, Europe or anywhere else. If I’m not mistaken, you choose to play here also. As I said before, I have put up with it for 8 years, way longer than anyone else has. Check stats as to when an American played on a competitive div1 level for this long, pretty much all gave up at 2 years or so, because they had enough of the abuse. We have a way to make things a bit better now (notice the bit part please), but hey, since I’m an American according to you, I have to put up with the abuse and bad connection, while you the privileges one should not have to put up with anything.

“It’s a shame N/A league died, I played with DV for few years on US servers with a higher ping than you get here and played for the fun of it.”

--Indeed, though I wonder how long would you have played at this point… And by the way, US assault died because of all the childish flames and people not giving a shit about fair play. UTA was much better at the time, but not by much now it seems.

“You say that it’s all about winning and you’re interested in the fun, but by the same logic you’re trying to push for ZP so that you can win more. Winning = fun right? People don’t like to lose.”

--Speak for yourself please. Again, ZP makes it possible for me to have fun, as in at least I can use sniper and shock to aim at a person, instead of playing a guessing game and shooting 10 meters ahead of a person. This has NOTHING to do with winning. You can talk to anyone that knows me well on UT if you don’t believe me.

“I wouldn’t play a single game on ZP. If the option was put in the league and both clans agree -fair enough, just I personally wouldn’t play that game. If it became mandatory I would leave the league.”

--Too bad that you can’t deal with it, even though a lot of people have dealt with a lot worse shit for a lot longer, just goes to show how different some people look at a game…

“I’m sorry you and few others have a bad ping but the majority of players in this league have a sub 100 ping which is more than playable.”

--Cool, so minority = nothing I guess in your view

“I think you’re a good player, I think that your ping helps you here on euro servers; “

--My ping helps me??? If you mean compared to some people that get even higher ping, sure, isn’t that stating the obvious again though? Yes, 160 ping is better than 200 ping, and so on and so on.

“I genuinely have problems hitting you, as you do hitting me. However if I was playing (which I was) on American servers I never asked or would ask for things to benefit me as it’s my choice to play there.”

--I have a lot more trouble hitting you than you do to hit me, again I invite you or anyone else to prove me wrong. Oh, and tell that to any euro that has played me on american server, where they run away saying this is unplayable. They "choose" not to play there because they can simply exploit their low ping, and the majority status in a different server, so they don't even bother with considering to play on a different server in the first place. You can easily see it in the very few times euros played serious games on an american server.

“If ZP is fully fixed, there are no weapon bugs, the game feels exactly the same as it does now without ZP but it gives you the advantage of playing on a lower ping I would be more than happy. While playing with ZP it screws the weapons, the feeling is completely messed up and as Uzi mentioned weird angles and so many other things it’s unfair for the 70% of the league with good pings as Supermic writes to have to adapt for the minority.”

--Sure, if pigs could fly, I would fly too. Unfortunately, no one has the time to spend on reworking all UT netcode to make things perfect for both low pingers and high pingers. In the mean time, can’t we make use of what is available from the wonderful work that developers like cratos and the zp original owner did, free of charge? And, as supermic said, can you please describe all these bugs you refer to, without repeating again the 2 bugs that are mentioned 100000 times?

Ok, I apologize for the lengthy post, I keep regretting spending so much time on pointing out fallacies, but I always do it in the hopes that other people will see the reality, and think twice before going on with their “amens”.

Please, do not take anything for granted, realize whatever you have at the moment is because others made it possible for you, so if you have good in your heart, you will work the same way to make it so for others also.
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mic, by buggy I mean...

- Unregistered shots
- Seeming to not be zp on servers further away from you (laggy servers)
- Inability to hit players with higher ping yet they have no problem hitting you
- The bugs you have mentioned - Pistols and sniper headshot crouched

My point about not able to hit higher pingers: Believe it or not, its up to you. No it isnt easy to hit high pingers with ZP off either but they can't turn around and hit you instantly like they would with zp. With or without ZP, it is harder to hit a higher ping with an instant hit weapon, fact. With the ZP mod on, the difficulty remains, however they have the ability to hit you equally. That to me is a reversal in advantage.
Tone down the Enforcer, remove the crouched headshot bug and make a few more tweaks here and there and the mod would be fine, it just seems way too time consuming and requires alot of coding skill to make these changes.

Sq yes I was annoyed in the 2v2 from the "bye shieldbelt from 4 enforcers" event, there is just no way a minigun could have killed me that fast with SB, I seriously died in 1 second, every enforcer had 100% accuracy. It also seems to be easier to aim with the enforcer than minigun, from my experience anyway.
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I would still like to point out that it is not equal terms. Its making aims equal ping however its still difficult for low pingers to hit high pingers. Its a reverse of what occurs without ZP.

I don't know what you're smoking Torp but when I play on American servers and a European or Chinese or random asian person comes in with 200-500 ping I have absolutely no trouble hitting them with sniper whatsoever. L2aim.
I don't know what you're smoking Torp but when I play on American servers and a European or Chinese or random asian person comes in with 200-500 ping I have absolutely no trouble hitting them with sniper whatsoever. L2aim.

It's different from person to person...
Sometimes if your own connection is laggy you see others to be lagging as well, even though they actually aren't.
Sq, invite people to prove you wrong all you want. There is no way to prove it is harder to hit. The only sort of evidence I can suggest is 90% of euro's call NA's and 80> pingers "laggers". On NAAT, when euros played there we got a lot of "lagger" remarks also. So please explain to me why it is even in terms of hitting people despite their ping/location?
Yes Smantie, and it so happens that these Chinese/Really High ping players run in straight lines. Anyone with a ping over 200 normally avoid dodging as that tends to spike the ping (does for me anyway when I have that ping). You cannot compare them.
By the way, I wasn't really having a go at MC, since many of those points were brought by other people, I just tried to address most in one post.
Sq, invite people to prove you wrong all you want. There is no way to prove it is harder to hit. The only sort of evidence I can suggest is 90% of euro's call NA's and 80> pingers "laggers". On NAAT, when euros played there we got a lot of "lagger" remarks also. So please explain to me why it is even in terms of hitting people despite their ping/location?

Torp, it's very easy. Lets play on american server and euro server, and see how much your hit percentage changes.
I'm not saying high pingers are easy to hit, though they surely are in most cases since all stats say that unless you are blind, otherwise high pingers would always win, but don't think for a second that a high pingers hit you easier than you hit him.

The naat remarks were from the flamers, see my above post.
Well I wont spend alot of time responding to everything in that as my posts speaks for itself.

It's your choice, this is a european league. The mutator is bugged and by enforcing it, I will bet you more than just myself from the posts already put here will stop playing.

My attitude isn't screw the minority, if it was I would say screw ZP. But changing a gameplay which is what it will do in its current state to satisfy 10% of league (if that) as you mentioned you are only one playing this long in UTA, will only cause more people to quit/stop. If admins want to test that theory by all means do so.

I never said you are less entitled, please quote where I said that. I simply said this isnt an American league.

"--Speak for yourself please. Again, ZP makes it possible for me to have fun, as in at least I can use sniper and shock to aim at a person, instead of playing a guessing game and shooting 10 meters ahead of a person. This has NOTHING to do with winning. You can talk to anyone that knows me well on UT if you don’t believe me."

Okay let's put winning aside. You are saying that you want to have fun. Okay, well lets change this for a handful of people, introduce ZP and see how many players you have to play against. If ZP introduction in its Current state causes alot of the players to quit and the league to die, would you be happy to come back here and say, well. I wasn't interested in winning but I thought that while I am taking the choice to play on european servers, why not risk having alot of players quit and potentially ruin the league just because I want to be able to hit more.

As I said, I played top games v ION, NRG as Clan leader and tacticial with a 200+ ping, much higher than you have and I was ALOT harder to hit. I got a shit load of objectives because of it also. Yes my killing ability was dismall, but that isn't what assault is about. I don't have to proove you wrong or otherwise because I have my own experiences of 56k and with a much higher ping than you play with at the moment.

I will say however to you, I understand your frustrated, I would be, however in its current state it will cause more harm than good and that is my point of posting in this thread.

If its fixed fair enough.
Sq, there is way more to take into account than simply aim in stdAS.

This is my argument in simple... It is more difficult to hit a 120 pinger than a 40 pinger... On ZP this also applies except they have the same aim as you, where in non ZP they wouldn't. This reverses the advantage, so why would the Euro's partake in this? Its not equal, its giving High pingers the advantage as I am sure they can aim as well as Euro's. This league is 95% European players so it just wont work.

PA v atP springs to mind. They all lagged on their gay polish conns, no one could hit them at all and they won. Similar teams 2 months prior and PA won 8-0. (Before someone says summat I played neither :P)

As much as I respect higher pingers wanting to have an even aim as Euro's, it cant happen I am afraid. And all of this is besides the main point of the thread... the fact ZP has many problems.
MC, no where did I say make ZP required. It makes sense to only use it when playing high pingers, otherwise there is no point to it.

"I will say however to you, I understand your frustrated, I would be, however in its current state it will cause more harm than good and that is my point of posting in this thread."

Sure, that is a lot more sensical than what you previously posted. Keeping it optional, and playing in a friendly manner against high pingers should not do the harm net effect you talk about, for all the reason I mentioned. Going back to my point though, it seems now it's a lot more about winning, so if harm = loss, then your point stands.
Yes Smantie, and it so happens that these Chinese/Really High ping players run in straight lines. Anyone with a ping over 200 normally avoid dodging as that tends to spike the ping (does for me anyway when I have that ping). You cannot compare them.

Torp you're the most retarded motherfucker on the planet.

Dodging doesn't make your ping increase. I've played vs many skilled high ping players before including Twnz the other day on a USA server and I had no problems hitting him whatsoever. Twnz obviously has quite good movement to say the least and oh yeah... his ping didn't spike when dodging.
lol, smantie when my ping is high only 1 thing makes it higher and that is dodging.

When I am warping, dodging makes it worse.

When I have 1000+ ping when downloading, dodging makes it jump to 2000.
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Well I haven't had the problem with not being able to hit sq with zp. We've played some 1v1 DM. But he complains about not being able to see me before he's already dead, same thing when we fire at the same time (he loses) his combos aren't hitting me (some lag) weaponswitch taking ages and he can't dodge fast. I'd say he definitely has more problems than I do trying to hit him.

edit: so my point is it gotta be a similar situation in 2v2's so why not use zp at least there?
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