weapon damage and hit action in zp

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You can also lauch with rox and boost with shock and sniper. If you consider pistols as a SERIOUS bug then maybe we should consider rest guns to be bugged as well? EPIC already did that in past.

I think we'll rather spend our time on league new system to start ut3 ladders asap rather then working on ZP mod however it's Cratos decision and time.
ZP has always been buggy as shite, I get my beam coming out at stupid angles sometimes.. so much so that sometimes i've missed someone completely and the shot comes out at a stupid angle and kills them.. wtf?
Pistols ARE a serious bug with zp, it's the only weapon you need on close range because they are so over-powerful and then you only use sniper on distance. Which leads me to the second bug with zp, headshot while crouched. So yes, more weapons are bugged. I was hoping pistols would be fixed by making it single enforcer only with zp or maybe even for AS in general since imo they are not longer needed the way they were intended when first implemented (prevent spawnkills). Otherwise we need some unwritten rule for double enforcers like we have for sniping with zp, which is don't aim head high when people crouch, because it's lame, and so far people are following it. I haven't seen anyone exploit that bug yet, only the occasional headshot by accident and imo it's easy to tell in matches. So the new unwritten rule is before you use enforcers with zp you have to drop them first so you get single enforcers :teehee:. I doubt people will do that.

As brajan has said, there aren't a whole lot people who play normal assault with zp right now, I'm guessing 10 in total or so but I think a whole lot more would play with zp if it didn't have those bugs. I'm guessing about 25%-33% of this leagues players have what I consider high ping and they would all benefit from it and basically have more fun playing assault.

Anyway... whatever Cratos/admins choses to do I'd like to say thanks for everything :) I think it's great that you will make a UT3 ladder too :thumb:
You can also lauch with rox and boost with shock and sniper. If you consider pistols as a SERIOUS bug then maybe we should consider rest guns to be bugged as well? EPIC already did that in past.

I think we'll rather spend our time on league new system to start ut3 ladders asap rather then working on ZP mod however it's Cratos decision and time.

ofc you can boost with shock and sniper, but sniper boosts dont rly help much and if u compare it with the clip above u will see what I mean :P nvm jsut dont pick zp and its ok ^^
I agree, pistols are overpowered in zp for some reason, though not sure what it is causing it. Single enforcer would probably be a good solution. At least anyone can use them though, high ping or not, so it’s not an advantage to anyone, compared to minigun say, which is only an advantage to low pingers, and they can abuse it (and a lot of people do). The best solution would be to make minigun a zp weapon of course, but I’m guessing that’s really a lot of work, so maybe in the meantime an easier thing like single enforcer can be done, which is hopefully still strong enough to counter balance minigun arena spam. Please let me know how I can contribute to make this easier.
Micro, surely you don’t have to do zp against low pingers, since there’s no point, but against high pingers, is still 100 times better than non-zp and just winning because of ping, hence no point in the game really.
As Supermic said, you can also be friendly and decide to just throw enforcers and pick them again to make it easier before the game, but then again, hard to find these people now, since most still end up preferring spamming minigun or playing on ping advantage, it’s all about wining I guess…
hard to find these people now, since most still end up preferring spamming minigun or playing on ping advantage, it’s all about wining I guess…

Yes, I noticed since I started to play UT3, everyone seems to be much more friendly!?
Why, welll lets face it, most guys/girls playing for fun have moved on while hardcore ut players still are here..
dont say they dont play for fun but its more skillwise nowadays :satan:

(sry off topic but had to :P)
No, rapid-fire weapons are not affected by ZP. ZP fixes sniper, shock and enforcers for high pingers, but minigun, rocket launcher etc are still lagging for high pingers.
Ba]V[sE;1426336 said:
Yes, I noticed since I started to play UT3, everyone seems to be much more friendly!?

Nobody's had the time yet to learn the game and become really good at it, but when that happens and those people start to get beaten, then they'll become less friendly when their ego takes a kicking :)
I get the same. Often see my crosshair right on the player, I shoot, it appears to hit (and sometimes even boost them, wtf). Its bugged but it certainly helps ias.

Rox are considered a rapid fire weapon sq? But Enforcers arent? They are as fast as mini at times fs and way more accurate.
Nobody's had the time yet to learn the game and become really good at it, but when that happens and those people start to get beaten, then they'll become less friendly when their ego takes a kicking :)

Yep, basic human nature, moral value corruption :(
Quite sad for the community, but that is basically one of the big factors dragging down social hierarchies. In our case, percentage of good players but not assholes keeps going down...
I'd love to elaborate on it, but I know it will be off-topic :)
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Its also strange when I play zp insta I could swear blind that I get hits with no damage. See splash texture like its a hit..

Yep, I believe that, corner shots etc are mostly because of the adjustment/synchronization between server and client in UT netcode, as in, if someone seems to hit from insider a corner, it's probably because he is in fact out of the corner, the server just hasn't caught up yet. Also, packet loss makes this very visible, a lot of times producing these effects, and zp is very sensitive to packet loss, not like packet loss is fun to play in any mode anyway.

Here is a nice FAQ on ZP.
I get the same. Often see my crosshair right on the player, I shoot, it appears to hit (and sometimes even boost them, wtf). Its bugged but it certainly helps ias.

Rox are considered a rapid fire weapon sq? But Enforcers arent? They are as fast as mini at times fs and way more accurate.

In insta games, with high ping and non-zp, what you describe is pretty much 100% true, you just hit people and nothing happens as usual (the boost effect I believe can seem so when you miss someone mid-dodge). It can still happen on ZP in certain scenarios as said above (PL, unstable ping etc).

Rockets, flack, goo etc have different damage paths, as in splash radius etc, which I guess is too hard to adjust for lag, hence ZP does not fix them. I'm not sure how different enforcers are from minigun, since I haven't actually looked at the code, but I am going from what coders refer to.

Here is a nice FAQ on ZP.
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Zp is gr8 4 both low and high pingers imo..It makes matches fairer and it can be switched off by low pingers or ppl who just want to play with their own ping..tbh is rly gay when u aim at some1 during matches and u don't hit him coz of ur ping and u have 2 see moreover ppl less skilled than u having 40 ping and in some way killing u..I think single enforcer wud b a nice solution..I also propose to set every league match server with ZP automatically without asking the booker of the server if he wants 2 use it after zp gets fixed..
Squirrel you should probably point out that the FAQ there is in fact dated back to the year 2000, so is 7 years out of date!

ZP was discussed across the various other normal weapons mod's however it was universally agreed (In CTF- even by the Americans participating in european cups) that because ZP is notoriously bugged to hell with the aiming of several weapons it would never be used in anything other than instagib :P
Amen. Even in sniper, you can headshot a guy when he is crouching. A major bug in assault as that is often the way to avoid getting headshot immediately. Unfortunately I feel zp isn't as effective as people believe and isn't so much the "fairer" alternative to non zp.
As OD mentioned, the mod is seriously bugged. I was watching a game recently on COH server and wish died in 4 pistol shots with shield belt from Squirrels pistol on bridge.

If people have a bad ping, they have a bad ping. I played in this league with 56k for 3 years, even when everyone had their brand new 512k ADSL connections, It was something I had to put up with and as frustrating it was I put up with it. As a 56ker you also have the advantages of sliding, I remember the amount of flames being thrown by people saying get a better connection.
Then after the better connection comes the, oh you low ping botter lol. There is advantages and disadvantages to ping, granted that having a lower ping is overall more beneficial.

I know your probably not preaching here, but you should know that it’s your choice to play on euro servers, your an American and should just put up with it. It’s a shame N/A league died, I played with DV for few years on US servers with a higher ping than you get here and played for the fun of it.

You say that it’s all about winning and you’re interested in the fun, but by the same logic you’re trying to push for ZP so that you can win more. Winning = fun right? People don’t like to lose.
I wouldn’t play a single game on ZP. If the option was put in the league and both clans agree -fair enough, just I personally wouldn’t play that game. If it became mandatory I would leave the league.
I’m sorry you and few others have a bad ping but the majority of players in this league have a sub 100 ping which is more than playable.

I think you’re a good player, I think that your ping helps you here on euro servers; I genuinely have problems hitting you, as you do hitting me. However if I was playing (which I was) on American servers I never asked or would ask for things to benefit me as it’s my choice to play there.

If ZP is fully fixed, there are no weapon bugs, the game feels exactly the same as it does now without ZP but it gives you the advantage of playing on a lower ping I would be more than happy. While playing with ZP it screws the weapons, the feeling is completely messed up and as Uzi mentioned weird angles and so many other things it’s unfair for the 70% of the league with good pings as Supermic writes to have to adapt for the minority.
Agree with Uzi and Mc. As long as Zp is generaly buggy i cba to play with it. I see the problem that high pingers have, but zp deffo behaves different to non zp with just very low ping. Therefor it might be ok if your ping is realy bad normaly, but for ppl that played with fair ping for years it feels just "wrong". Cant describe it another way.
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