DJ^z Movie 001 - In Assault We Trust

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good movie dj, really nice fragging and i like the longer attack scenes

i'll be making one myself, not that uber style but still good i hope :P
eyz, nice movie m8 =D I rly like the high shots with shock on frigate launch sow c0wl =D
btw normally I'm not rly a fan of trance, but this music was rly rly nice :D
next time making a movie I'd advise you to not use as many different kinds of transitions as you did now, just try to use 1-3 different ones, some bad cutting at sometimes but the music rly keeps the movie going =D it gives you energy :) n1 ;)
i got it 2 days ago from badct before i saw this thread :o

but indeed a nice movie.... not my taste of music but i realy nJ´d it.

i still hate u for the frag on astheno.... :P
The links is dead, in whatever way possible to download it's dead as in totaly dead fucking died deseaced etc. whatever way you write it. Anyway, i discabled my pop up blocker etc. what it said, it's really a goner

i wanna see it !!!!!!!!!!!!! ffs :( gimme a working link
FFS i don't have "java" script, where the fuck is that downloadeble?!?! i tried google but all i find is "make your own javascript" bullshit, i cannot download from any site at all, someone help plzzzzzzz
i cant seem to find the right codec to watch it, i tried installing a nimo pack, but nopes..........only green i see and some music :(
man those ig shots on frigate were amazing
i was just fuckin around cause you werent missing any..

then you hit our launchee with 2 in a row outa midair.. skillz