Taunt Spam in Console......

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Actually it appears to only be the people that rarely or never pug that have the problem. Yako, Breen, html, useless. Nice list o regulars there :<

It might well happen in publics. But does it happen in pug? Try actually playing some or watching the report channel and you will see that the only regular binds are the lol binds. Clap etc are used maybe twice per map. Stop assuming it's a problem breen and actually SEE for yourself.

On a sidenote, sorry to hear about your bad news breen.
Tell you what ladies. Post a log of ANY pug and show me where twnz/wish/me/xr or any1 else do a clap after every kill/death or even 10% of them. Then I will start a petition for it to be ban worthy!
must agree with html

ermh...ok claps and stupid binds are not always used ya say? Good 99% of the time then and the 1% makes you say "not always"

More like the other way round. Do you actually even see pugs?

And funnily enough you are the one with various silly binds if I remember rightly. Hypocrisy rains again yay :D

html said:
first let me admit that I used to spam a bind aswell, ''Greetings from Canada!!!'' but in my defence it was mostly to cover up everyone calling me a ''lagger'' when I won siege, got samsite or tunnels etc...
And how isn't this annoying to players? You have blatantly lagged to various objectives in pugs and consequently spammed your silly "Welcome to Canada" bind in the console

html said:
I don't mind the occasionnal console spam ingame especially when something really funny happends, i often end up asking on ts ''what happened?''
The only ''spam'' that really bothers me is when people take the piss and 3+ people spam their lol bind before a map even start and by spam I mean more than a console full sometimes up to 3 consoles worth. That makes ut lag and when you got a pug captain like sphere you can't read the tactics...
Funnily enough the majority of people who have cried about smiley spam in this thread are the ones who do this kind of stuff, especially at a siege crash. Oh I'm glad I keep IRC logs..

html said:
the thing that bothers me most is twnz/wish (and a few others too) and their 's that they say nearly everytime when they walk in a hammercamp on siege or someone standcombos them......... shut the fuck up seriously, yes it's not a ''skilled'' d1ng d0ng but guess what jackasses, I don't ping under 50 f1 so why would i try to move and make a moving combo when you're noob enough to walk in a straight line and get p0tted by a standcombo, and for hammercamps it's part of the game and an effective way to defend so deal with it you silly crybabys im sick and tired of hearing how unskilled we all are compared to your l33tness, and no im not gonna mute a whole team just because 1 or 2 players didn't eat their 20 ego waffles that morning and need to compensate by demeaning the kills of other people.

Firstly ping is quite a bad excuse that NA's tend to use when Pugging. I played a couple of USCPugs with Sq, Supermic, Smantie and some others the other night and played really well considering the ping. People complain about a hammer camper on TS, or even write an in-game comment like 'noob' or whatever. :clap: isn't really worse than either of those. Secondly "n00b enough to walk in a straight line into a standcombo" <- lol, how am I supposed to know that you are hiding in a corner on Siege to backstab people? People complain about spawnkilling, lagging, launching, not sitting, being late..etc etc. It seems to me that people should be more concerned about the cancer jokes which are thrown around in UTAPug rather than a :clap: emote used now and then which can be easily toggle muted.

Torp said:
Actually it appears to only be the people that rarely or never pug that have the problem. Yako, Breen, html, useless. Nice list o regulars there :<

It might well happen in publics. But does it happen in pug? Try actually playing some or watching the report channel and you will see that the only regular binds are the lol binds. Clap etc are used maybe twice per map. Stop assuming it's a problem breen and actually SEE for yourself.
Well that's the case for every pug related issue. These forum heroes come making judgement on what happens in the pug when they really have little or no idea. Oh well.

Oh btw, Useless...

[21:32] <+utaPugRep> 9910:00 : 04blue_cheaters: 99lol
[21:32] <+utaPugRep> 9910:00 : 04blue_cheaters: 99ok
[21:32] <+utaPugRep> 9910:00 : Useless::bounce:
[21:32] <+utaPugRep> 9910:00 : Useless::bounce:
[21:32] <+utaPugRep> 9910:00 : Useless::bounce:
[21:32] <+utaPugRep> 9910:00 : Useless::bounce:
[21:32] <+utaPugRep> 9910:00 : Useless::bounce:
It's absolutely not necessary to ban things.. you can only address people about their behaviour.. and it doesn't matter how frequently it's done, right? the fact that it's done is more than enough to address something. People should just think themselves of their actions..

and no I don't play UT anymore.. but that doesn't mean i've got no experience with it. And the fact that i was the one who was saying it first only comes from the movie in which in annoyed me alot.. that's all.. I'm not here to see it get undone for myself, since i wont play this game anymore.. but i'm always willing to fight for the rights of others ;)
my opinion on the :clap:'s and console spam.

first let me admit that I used to spam a bind aswell, ''Greetings from Canada!!!'' but in my defence it was mostly to cover up everyone calling me a ''lagger'' when I won siege, got samsite or tunnels etc...

I don't mind the occasionnal console spam ingame especially when something really funny happends, i often end up asking on ts ''what happened?''
The only ''spam'' that really bothers me is when people take the piss and 3+ people spam their lol bind before a map even start and by spam I mean more than a console full sometimes up to 3 consoles worth. That makes ut lag and when you got a pug captain like sphere :love: you can't read the tactics...

the thing that bothers me most is twnz/wish (and a few others too) and their :clap:'s that they say nearly everytime when they walk in a hammercamp on siege or someone standcombos them......... shut the fuck up seriously, yes it's not a ''skilled'' d1ng d0ng but guess what jackasses, I don't ping under 50 f1 so why would i try to move and make a moving combo when you're noob enough to walk in a straight line and get p0tted by a standcombo, and for hammercamps it's part of the game and an effective way to defend so deal with it you silly :clap: crybabys im sick and tired of hearing how unskilled we all are compared to your l33tness, and no im not gonna mute a whole team just because 1 or 2 players didn't eat their 20 ego waffles that morning and need to compensate by demeaning the kills of other people.


best post on this whole matter :thumb:
Why is it that when anyone raises an issue as a negative in this community there's a certain section of players who have to call it 'crying' if they disagree with it? Guess what, it's called an argument, or a discussion, or a debate. I'll put it in big letters so those people can't fail to understand.


Can't you argue on level terms, or is it just that any opinion that differs from yours is worthless? Good luck ever resolving anything in real life.

And the logged smileys you felt the need to go and find, Wish: I already said I often hit my lol bind when I find something funny :confused: So what are you trying to prove? That I told the truth? Well done, you succeeded. Nice to have you on my side.

And Torp: I wouldn't post about the spammed clap smileys if I hadn't seen it for myself. It's not like I'm sitting here, making stuff up to kill time. Can I be bothered to trawl logs and copy and paste text like others before me? No, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. Besides, I just said that I had an opinion on it and that I and others found it annoying, and judging by the posts in this thread it looks like I wasn't wrong. Again, can't I have an opinion without it being shot down, ridiculed, dismissed? I guess not, my mistake for thinking this was a public forum.

Open your minds, there are people in the world who will disagree with your opinions. This doesn't mean you have to knee-jerk your way to dismissing it as 'shite' or 'crying'.
So what exactly is your argument Useless? That people shouldn't spam emotes? or just emotes after being killed? Since you have smiley binds yourself I just can't see what your "argument" actually is :x
Tell you what ladies. Post a log of ANY pug and show me where twnz/wish/me/xr or any1 else do a clap after every kill/death or even 10% of them. Then I will start a petition for it to be ban worthy!

But useless you are saying it happens ALWAYS. But you rarely pug... what you meant to say was it happens on the 1-2 pugs you have played in 2010? Ok, maybe it did. But the point is that apparently it happens every kill, every death and it supposed to be demeaning in some way? Surely to make such a statement, you will have needed to either be in the Pug or be in the reporter channel?

It is an emoticon. Nothing more. It hurts you in some way? Get over it lol. It is no more annoying than the LOL macro that a lot use and have done or years. Including some people who don't like the spamming....
This discussion is useless really. If you cant handle the emoticons or the taunts you shouldnt really play.
Its not always a friendly game, it has always been competitive that why people got so much better during the years.

Ive played this game since 1999 and there were "flames" already" back then and off course alot of taunting.
You cant really play any game if your annoyed of some ".clap: taunt or whatever.

The only thing i agree on is the useless :LOL: spam before each map starts spamming console.
THis i can agree on but during game come on., serious? Dont take it so serious then or just taunt back.

I NEVER used my :dj: bind as a (I OWNED U) lets spam :dj:

its ONLY used instead of a normal "lol" bind. And :dj: cause its my nickname
@ Wish: My point was about how they're used. In the past people used to type things all the time like 'gg' or 'ns' or 'pld'. Slowly that got phased out and now we seem to be on the other side of the coin: when players get killed, instead of giving any kind of credit to the person who killed them (ie. nice shot or whatever), they do the opposite. No way is the :clap: bind ever used as a genuine 'well done'. It's always sarcastic. Why do people have to do that? Why not just stop and type 'fuck you'? Or bind 'fu' to a key and hit that instead of :clap: ? We know why, it's because the smiley can be hidden behind - "oh, it's just a smiley, relax". You wouldn't bind 'fu' but you'll bind clap (I don't mean you specifically, I mean the editorial you). I suppose my problem with it is more about how people's attitudes to each other have changed in this community. People find it difficult to give credit but there's a good chance that they'll dish out criticism or sarcasm in the form of a smiley whenever they get killed. And in a game full of killing that's a lot of criticism and sarcasm. Or maybe I'm just over-sensitive.

@ Torp: When I said 'always' I meant 'too often for comfort', I thought I'd explained that already but it looks like it's been taken too literally. Let me put it another way - it's used a great deal and it usually stands for 'fuck you, lucky git'. If that's how people express themselves or relieve tension or whatever it is they're doing then who am I to stop them. It's just that when a mediocre player kills a better player and the better player not only can't give any credit at any point but feels the need to applaud sarcastically it just makes the better player look a bit childish. Incidentally, if you think I was having a pop at you in particular I wasn't, I didn't even know you used clap because we're never on servers or in pugs at the same time.
More like the other way round. Do you actually even see pugs?

And funnily enough you are the one with various silly binds if I remember rightly. Hypocrisy rains again yay :D

oh...sorry dude, did I miss something? I only have my lawl bind thats all..I dont spend my lifetime binding new binds into my user.ini....

RL naab
@ Torp im pretty sure on average I have played more than a pug a week this year (5 or more pugs a month) so I would hardly call myself an inactive, at least by this games criteria.

@ wish
And how isn't this annoying to players? You have blatantly lagged to various objectives in pugs
1) you make it sound like I lagged to objectives intentionally???? I have a stable connection so i guess.... sorry for not living in europe
2) I will repeat myself, I only started spamming my greetings from canada because I was sick and tired of being called a lagger
3) If I blatantly lagged to all those objectives then explain to me why twnz(iirc) could combo me once and then gib me twice in the air... and explain to me why i died 3-4 times on 5 when i get dark sided with belt... is it that you just can't admit that you missed your shot? cuz as i've said my connection IS stable. Also 90%+ of the times i got samsite i got it by moving smart through high when people dont even shoot at me or too late since they only see me at the last second, and I still got called a lagger for outsmarting the defence......

Funnily enough the majority of people who have cried about smiley spam in this thread are the ones who do this kind of stuff, especially at a siege crash. Oh I'm glad I keep IRC logs..
I complained about smileys and I don't even HAVE a lol bind, never have never will, and I don't use any text binds anymore. But fair enough you only said "the majority" then again you mostly quote me in your whole post....

lol, how am I supposed to know that you are hiding in a corner on Siege to backstab people?
I've killed you and twnz plenty of times on siege at least 5 times in the exact same way, be it standcombo or hammercamp, and I clearly remember you both :clap:ing once each and every time it happened. But sorry I don't keep IRC logs...
@ Wish: My point was about how they're used. In the past people used to type things all the time like 'gg' or 'ns' or 'pld'. Slowly that got phased out and now we seem to be on the other side of the coin: when players get killed, instead of giving any kind of credit to the person who killed them (ie. nice shot or whatever), they do the opposite. No way is the :clap: bind ever used as a genuine 'well done'. It's always sarcastic. Why do people have to do that? Why not just stop and type 'fuck you'? Or bind 'fu' to a key and hit that instead of :clap: ? We know why, it's because the smiley can be hidden behind - "oh, it's just a smiley, relax". You wouldn't bind 'fu' but you'll bind clap (I don't mean you specifically, I mean the editorial you). I suppose my problem with it is more about how people's attitudes to each other have changed in this community. People find it difficult to give credit but there's a good chance that they'll dish out criticism or sarcasm in the form of a smiley whenever they get killed. And in a game full of killing that's a lot of criticism and sarcasm. Or maybe I'm just over-sensitive.

@ Torp: When I said 'always' I meant 'too often for comfort', I thought I'd explained that already but it looks like it's been taken too literally. Let me put it another way - it's used a great deal and it usually stands for 'fuck you, lucky git'. If that's how people express themselves or relieve tension or whatever it is they're doing then who am I to stop them. It's just that when a mediocre player kills a better player and the better player not only can't give any credit at any point but feels the need to applaud sarcastically it just makes the better player look a bit childish. Incidentally, if you think I was having a pop at you in particular I wasn't, I didn't even know you used clap because we're never on servers or in pugs at the same time.

I think Useless has typed out how 80% of the current active players feel like. Anyway, let's talk about tits.