lava ripper

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u get 2 ppl in a server
1 at the end objective, the other at the rippershot spot
log in
get ripper and sniper
admin allammo
get in position
set input a admin slomo 3 //or even 5 or 10
set input z admin slomo 1

shoot off a few and slow down speed when u change aim a bit.
person at end says, go a little bit up or down, no the other way, etc

a question to u suicidal, do u know one of the rippershots if so why didn't u post a screenie or explain how to do one of them ?
Because I suck and I don't know how to do them.

I know the one out of the window thing, but i can't do it. I can't even do the ripper on frigate, I have spent hours trying, but I just suck basically.

This is the reason I am interested to learn how to do those ripper shots.

No further comments needed on me sucking as I already know
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Opti did post a link to about a million screenies of frigate rippers ....... i think it was him anyway. However if ur really desperate to find out icq me and ill try and help or if u dont want that then ill give u a rough idea of where to aim. Hmmm maybe i should do i guide.......... im sure if u look through COTD or someplace like that u'll find them all

hope this works >>>>>>>> :ripper:
Yeah, that was a thread I made about Oceanfloor or Frigate ripper shots i think, he put loads of screenies in.

It is a good thread.
theres a frigate guide i made that never got put up :(

its got loads of tricks on it

i know 4 ripper shots on lava fort ill show them if you icq me

i carnt post pics coz my web space needs re registering :P
In single player you can "tweak" ripper to give better feedback.

type the following into console:

set razor2 speed 1000000
set razor2 maxspeed 1000000 (razors hit almost instantly)

set razor2 damage 1 (so objective will survive more razors should still do a little damage so you know when you are hitting yourself)

set razor2 spawnsound 0
set razor2 impactsound 0
set razor2 transientsoundradius 1000000
(this strangles most of the soundspam associated with ripper. The 3rd line however will let you hear the special *thunk* sound when you hit a player/objective from across the map.)

This way you can spam madly and as soon as your crosshair is in the right position you will know. You can fix values by restarting ut.

I also wanted to increase refire rate but that seems impossible without writing a mutator.
there are actually 2 seperate rippershot positions (that i have found out) that require just one ripper

these are to the right of the lift and on top of the final objectives buildings roof or thats the two that i found anyway but yeah with 1 ripper is possible. Ninjas right........... again

still cant get the ripper from the blue haze on frigate though ffs
yep a lot of rippers have flow into frigate from there:D
blue haze ripper shot is ok i guess, i find it takes to long to get ripper then jump in water then swim to the boat, especially if you spawn in a ghey place (ie rocket launcher)
so as its completely useless can u give us a screenie ;) or at least some idea of which wall we have to aim at cos whenever i try it the ripper runs outta juice before it gets even close to the main entrance place :lol:
luckily you dont have to pay for the ripper blades.. otherwise i'd be a poor sad fella by now:D
ill sacrifice thee favorite :llama: of mine on the shrine of ninja to give hints...:D
Addition to my BS category :

1. Asthen doors
2. River3 without charge
3. Siege invisible ledges
4. Frigate blue haze ripper ( new !!! )

siege invisible ledges - sometimes when u do dark launch u hit someting and drop into water - thats the ledge :D
heres another one for u jap

5. Doing second assault entrance (after ive just put a bullet through ur head) and without entering base or going through the teleports. Now THAT is funny
so as its completely useless can u give us a screenie
i never said it was completely useless :p if the other team has got a solid defense then it become useful otherwise by the time u get into position the chances are some1 has already got the comp. Id rather not say just yet how its done, took me and ace a long long time to get it down perfectly, just a hint - you can do it from the water aswell as ducking inside the blue haze :D