Goodbye UTA

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Clan still exists? Whee! Do you guys play UT still? C0000000l :P :cow: all clans got :blackeye: by >ION<... Sayonara pals we will see you @ UT2K3
cu ION :wave:

never had the change playing you, but you were (as the monkeysquad) one of the oldest clans in the league (together with nrg mod ai etc)

well, catch you in ut2003 then :D
sad to see u guys go m8s :( i knew it a bit earlier already and aint really surprised

tbh that 6-7 match vs u was THE BEST game i ever pld :) thx for that and the other matches .. really nice m8s

hope to see u around :)

i know a clan like u wont die easily :) u've known each other v. well so hope to see u in ut2003 :D
pld ION, dominated for near on 2 years, very impressive well done lads.

btw wot about X in the list of oldest clans fs they've been around longer than ION ;) and Ai are just n00bs
The best Assault clan of the world leaves the league. ION's strength has always been there impressive teamwork and tactix, not that they put 6 worldclass players in one team.

ION's teamplay has always been an example for me when we started playing in the league with ((si><th)), so it was a great honour for me when eventually we played our first League Match vs >ION< in Div 1, which ended surprisingly close and still is one of the best matches I have ever played.

Take care all of you, it was great playing vs you guys! :thumb:
sad 2 c u guys leave the league :(
i remember our friendly when [DI] has just started...
u thought us a lesson :D....but we finished fuckin frigate :P
GL in future
Originally posted by Apocalypse
We ain't dead, just ain't playint UT:AS anymore, the clan still exists :)

you going to play TDM again (or was it TCM (team camp match neo?:P))
well its been quite a blast
for the last 2 years
IoN been superb team, great set of players.

Good Luck in the future

Teknodeamon{Mi6} cough December 24th 2000 (or was it 2001).
apoc u said >ION< still around,altho uv left UTAS league,does that mean UTAS friendlys aswell?Just i anted a friendly against u guys...