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Soz if this is an old topic

like they said combination of the 2 is best imo and dodgeclick is maxed at 0.30 i think, which helps a little i guess.

I cant stop dodgin forwards nemore, been doin it too long fs

I agree with kon though that generally in a minigun fight usin more flips than side moves makes u hard to hit and kill the enemy faster, providing u keep it on them :P

Backwards dodge is good too ;)
been here from the start and my dodgeing still suks,used to think ppl cheated :lol: it`s just practice ,and like everything else some r better than others ,so dont waste ya time like i did looking for an easy way :moon:
bah mouse sense 12 is f-all i use 19 wiht an optical mouse !! on a rat pad !! mmmmmmmmmm turn in .5secs

and dodging yeah just practice practice practice wins the day !!
Thing is with mouse sens value in the game all depends on what setting ur windows mouse setting is. E.g. my UT mouse setting is 3.5 but my windows setting is up to full and my boomslang setting is about 80%.

I like it at that for movement but for sniping and shick comboing i would prefer it at a lower speed. Not much i can do tho as i hate having to lift my mouse off the matt or repostioning it. That way i only ever use abobut a 7.5cm diameter zone, or 2.95" for our American counterparts
Originally posted by Wan
That way i only ever use abobut a 7.5cm diameter zone, or 2.95" for our American counterparts

That's a joke right? Please say that's a joke.
oh man i guess everything useful about dodging (and even more unuseful stuff) has been posted so this thread is CLOSED

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