World of Warcraft

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meh, as usual after having alot of trouble getting the patch, I cant get on my server for the rest of the day.

flip sakes man, i hate new patchs totally screw your UI's up and take ages to re-sort everything i cant even log on to do so :\
Insp!re said:

Dont know if thats right? my warlord set gives a red glow now (since patch).. as i cant see my character when i log in any of you guys know ?
Aye, they updated tier2 PvP sets for Mages and Priests. "Working as intended" ;)

On another note: Blizzard decided to fuck us up and gave everyone on the server aorund 14k MS so we couldn't even down Domo.. so shitty! We were going to down rag ffs >_<
We just killed that huge ambassador thing out there=)
edit: he didnt drop anything, only some quest item;p
Fin said:
I found another word for Silithius

Yeah, I used to like Silithus for it's quiteness (sp?) but lately it's all full of rep horny lvl 60's :P

Though I do admit that the lore involved is extremely interesting and faschinating!
patch = a full day of lag, and on my server its like they patch every sodding day lol
man Im getting fed up with them queues
Well This is My Wildheart Druid ^>^


WHmacem.jpg <Stats :cool:
oh didnt know about the PvE :p: :p:

anyways how do you ppl get to lvl 60 , i get bored at a at lvl 34 hunter was get tired of geeting killed by horde while questing in desolace and stv lol
I just saw the movie Maxiz... lmfao...
I was like... alright... wtf is going on right now T_T

Anyway not exactly a 'clean' kill but the fucker went down :D
Brought back some nice memories, too... the exitement of taking a big boss down first time ;)

Harr, I have to show this video to my guildies :> and I might make a video of our next kill and post it (if it's a clean kill) which should be tomorrow :)
Then again... Nef is tomorrow, too.... hmmm