why are there captains in pugs?

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ https://discord.gg/JuaSzXBZrk for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

Then you have these mysterious "i have no mic" players. HELLO its fucking 2007 a microphone costs £2. But anyway im sure these mysterious people have mics and they are just to afraid to use them. whats so hard about saying high or low. dont fucking play pug if u cant communicate, pug is a step up from public servers, and that step up is being able to communicate and use tactics.

I am one of those people who never use voice comms, for starters I prefer to listen to my 5.1 surround set instead of a cheap wallmart mic.
secondly I hate to listen to drunk/upset/ people
thirdly You can perfectly do tactics in teamsay, or have a team wich knows what to do.
fourth my 5.1 surround sound again is muchos better. And I do listen to positions. People in MoD even call me 'autocannon'.
conclusion: xbomb is whining
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I can remember very good games! :)

I can understand XB if a game is lost and as a captain it is always much harder to handle. None likes to have a zero lost game. I had also games where I thought impossible that it was lost and on the other hand the truth pearls when the
team won by the last seconds. :D

If a few players that find themself in the mirror while they read the lines will maybe start to think a bit about it, the next pug might been even more outstanding than the last one was already. :P

I only can repeat it I have seen very very good pug games already that I always like to recollect even if the game itself was not won sometimes too.
lol sneez.. try getting yourself a good pair of headphones.. your 5.1 is probably no where near the sound of a good pair of sennheisers or so
coolish excuse sneez :P

secondly I hate to listen to drunk/upset/ people


and yes u can do tactics almost as good in teamsay as in TS but u cant communicate with teamsay while playing...