It's about time we did something about Nasty & Virus.

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New Member
Jun 9, 2001
I'm thinking they wouldn't be 1/2 so keen to screw around on servers if we knew who they were.

OK here's what I know or can have a pretty good guess at:

They are in clans or have been.

They read the forums regularly.

These 2 guys have been playing UT for a LONG time (at least on the scene for 18 months - 2 years).

Nasty uses ADSL (maybe cable), Virus is on ISDN or maybe crappy cable.

They are both better than average players.

We are looking for 2 youngish guys I think I would say teenagers, (got nothing against young guys but older people in general don't go in for the kind of stupid behaviour).

If possible could Neo release the IP's of these 2 so we can check our server logs and match up who they are or at least which ISP's they are on.

About time we rooted out these 2 and bid good riddance to them, they are dragging the AS scene through the mud and have been for ages.

I have some ideas but I want to see what other people throw up I reckon if we cooperate on this we can narrow the list down to about 5-6 possible players then eliminate the rest.

This shit has gone on long enough!

they do read the forums regurlarly, yes.
they are/have been in clans, yes.
I want the IPs, yes please.
they suck , yes.
tho they are better than average public players, yes.
I want something to drink , yes.
this post sucks, yes.
Useless, they r protected by some of the longest running members of this league.

Nasty speaks dutch i know for a fact.
Virus lacks a brain im pretty sure, cause hes dumb as a 2 by 4 WITH nails.
They are annoying though, do drive new people away from AS though and go some way to justify those people who simply say "AS is wank". Who knows how many new players (and existing ones) we have lost because of their idiocy. I've just had enough of their shit if we did put our heads together it wouldn't be very hard to finger them and as they are probably well known in the community I doubt they would keep it going.

hmmm... you are obviously right, this community could only benefit from discovering just who these 2 characters are, and I don't think there's any doubt that they have hurt this community... the question is, will exposing them stop them? I honestly don't know, it's definetly worth a shot tho, and if you're up to I wish you the best of luck and hope ppl who can, will help you out...

I simply can't be arsed is all, and seeing I have no help to offer... :D
Pretty sure if people knew who they were it would stop real quick, nothing like being publicaly ostracised to modifiy someone's behaviour.

So the plan is, we get their identities of the Internet Police, i then send round all the hardnuts to break every bone in their body. Then you all give me £5 (or equivalent in diff currnecy) To piss on them and say "You Suck":D
lol ask Colombo :P.

Why it is so important that u know which guys they are?
U can play on clanservers or open Leagueservers, so u mustnt met them. And if they enter ur server change the server m8.
I dont think that it will end, when we know who they are.

I find them funny, with their "You suck" and the "Sea bla bla".

btw "Wild Orchide", i think the new girlfriend of Nasty ;) suxxs hard. I met both 2day on a public and i shot Orchide several time off the train and frag her :D.
you speak dutch don't you Ace? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

anyway Virus has been away for a time. prolly a holiday. Wich guys had a holiday last weeks
well what about cshp on every server fs
that is the oly thing that bugs me bcs off the aimbot related to you suck bla bla bla loser in the sea lol
that dont bugs me just the aimbot without aimbot i love fragging them a lot lol

kill the ambot kill their soul believe me