guess it's it...

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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Re: Dont worry

and ace what is a HWC prog?? can't ya count??
Rofl, I see you been looking at our tactics, it's an inside joke
How we Count

How we count program

Step 1)
Get a nice big clock and stick it next to ur moniter then u look at the long thin hand, the one that moves round really fast, if it isn't going around fast enuf you got the wrong type of clock, go get another one.

Step2) stick it as close to ur moniter as possible, without getting in the way.

Step3) Practice glancing at it every now and then and remembering what it was at then add 55 or 27 secs.

I know it sounds hard but the alternative is counting down from 55 and in match situations this just don't work especially when you are trying to count to 5 (# of rocks for most launches) at the same time.
Re: Dont worry

u guys are stuuuuuuuupid div1 will be
1. UT Lord
2. CnE
3. (Se\/enth)
4. NRG

blah blah blah ;) ;)
Re: Message

What really would be cool was if 1m1b would hahve gone to the top. Perhaps they weren't the best , but they had a damn cool website.
Re: Message

Yesyes, but we still dont have to play A-Team or Mi5 right?
Re: Message

u in div2, a-team in div3, mi5 : not even holding zone yet

it would prolly take 2 months for a-team to get to div2 at least + another 1-2 to get to div1 so in 3-4 months mi5 will be in div 1 prolly. A-team should be in div2 next month + 1-2 months to get in div1
Re: whatever this is about...

looks like a bunch of A Teamers too :)

im sure u will have np getting members ;)
Re: whatever this is about...

whats easy caz?
I wanna hear you all sing along now
busy doing spamming, spamming the whole day though, trying to find new forums to spam,busy doing spamming, coz spamming isn`t a crime, i`d like to play UT but i never do have the time, time time time, never do have the time.
Re: guess it's it...

again no1 mentions us :( guess we just suck but hey maybe we'll get lucky and steal a win or two from the top clans while they still didn't hear from us :)