gatlGun - General Comments / Suggestions

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ST_minigun2 overrides the function AnimEnd() for state AltFiring:
function AnimEnd ()
if ( (AnimSequence != 'Shoot2') || !bAnimLoop )
SoundVolume=255 * Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening;

This function is missing from gatl_pureminigun2 and is responsible for accelerating mini from 0.08 between bullets to 0.05 after the mini has rotated once. The bullet yield then is approx 22 bullets/sec (1/0.05 +10% from time dilation). Primary fire should be close to 13.75 bullets/sec.

Another thing that is missing is:

at the end of states NormalFire and AltFiring. This line overrides the state code from minigun2 preventing it from contributing bullets. Since this line is missing from gatl_pureminigun2 the bulletrate for both primary and secondary is:

13.75 bullets/sec (corresponding to pure minis primary firerate) + the primary tickdependent firerate of the original mini.
Cheers for clearing that up mym

The reason I am bringing it up timo, or "vomiting" it up is that the purestats mini hasnt had a fair test since it doesnt work correctly, yes I know you said its a known issue, but afaik you thought it was exactly the same in purestats/utpure - it obviously isn't.

I was simply trying to bring it to your attention

Now Polle has explained why the gatlgun purestats emulation doesn't work.. so now it can be fixed ;)
It's 17, also while at it, anyone has UTDCv18dll ? ;]
If it's not too big could you attach it here MyM, thanks.
I hope that is what you are looking for.


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