October 2009 Assault Cup

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ https://discord.gg/JuaSzXBZrk for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

With due respect to launchers and I also think that launching skills are as equal important as fragging skills in assault, but don't forget teams will be motley put together. It wont feel like in StdAS where you play with the same mates over and over again for years, No big times for practices so IMO fragging has to be rated higher here than other skills.
And as many said before, a good captain will spot an underrated player, I dont get all the fuss about the rating.
Man, Ibrahimovic was rated Eto'o + 20 million lol

Well said. And Met sucks.
Alright alright we get it now ffs, people moaning about this thing and it hasn't even started yet :D
Looking forward to the rest :P

Kiss and make up ppl
no point of making cups and shit when ppl find the smallest things to cry about (aka team sweden) u want ur 10 euro that badly? jeez, ratings gonna make hardly any difference
NRG replaces Morph

NRG replaces Morph, no need to rate him captains have agreed in his rating.

If anyone else wants to join in, pm me in irc or forum before 21gmt tomorrow
Prize pool Increase

NRg also informs me He will put 5 euro per person for winning team, more contributions welcome!
I really didnt see the point in hiding the ratings at first but damn...

Even a list in ranking order is too much to handle for some ppl here :o
why did u bother with the ratings? wasnt picking easier? ur just giving everyone a stick to swing with
I don't see why people can't see the value with it?

Just picking is the same as pug which we have been doing for years, surely this makes it a tad more glamourous?

If it was just pug picks then I think it will still be picking your friends over ability, with the ratings it makes picking more of a skill, picking wisely. It works wonders in fantasy football, why can't people just get over it and play on? So what if you aren't rated as high as you like, it is based on 10 peoples vote so the overall outcome is the likeliest reflection on your ability from a League point of view anyway!
ok now im not on the sign ups-list again on the first page, am I playing or not? :lol: I signed up to be an on-call player...