Why your nickname?

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Ive had a couple but Gazzy is my long standing one and well, its a version of my name, Gareth. People at school used to call me that so it was the logical choice (even though it upset Gazzy ION at the time :lol: )

MiSerY was used when i played in ION, since having 2 Gazzy's would be silly :)
I started using Supermic! when I was about 12 or so I think. As I recall the C64 games I played back then wouldn't allow me to use more then 9 characters, otherwise it would have been Supermicke.
Or it was initials only and I used Mic. So it became Supermic! after that. Not sure...
Real name is Mikael, short it's Micke in Sweden.

I liked Stålmannen (Superman) a lot when I was young. But Stålmicke just didn't sound right :lol: So it had to be Supermic! And the "!" after is important too. :P
I had the superman avatar in the start too but it didn't seem like Plonko liked that, he had a similar one. I changed to this one I use now after a while. I use it cause I drink a lot of tea + It's a joke inside uas too.

I've used other nicks too, similar ones like. Mastermic, Captainmic etc. You get the picture... But Supermic! just sounds and looks best imo.
And after using it for so long (16 years or something) You can't just change nick.
I used Supermic! when I first started playing UT too (May -01) when I got my ADSL), then I changed to Eel on viagra for a while in ~FoD~ (Fish on drugs) But after some months (4?) I had to go back to Supermic! again. Just didn't feel right.

In public servers nowadays I prefer to "fakenick" mostly, just so I can relax and enjoy the game more, without pressure and ppl flaming me or ]UAS[ :\

I've used nicks like Iprenmannen in the passed, just cause that commercial is so funny :) and »\\'hî±ëº²Éýè$«. <-- That was Riotchilds idea for all UAS'ers to use in public servers so we should know it was us but everyone else wouldn't.
Guess it took about 1 minute b4 everyone else knew it was us anyway lol. So we might as well use normal nicks after that. Other ppl outside of UAS started using Éýè$ too.
Now I just use any nick that comes to mind just b4 I enter a public server.
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had a few names...lol

Started off with

Ginger-Ninja -- bet u cant guess y?
changed that to
Acathla - a demon's name out of Buffy
Acathla is an old demon that was brought forth to swallow the world into Hell. Basically, there are 2 dimensions: the dimension our world exists in, and the demon dimension -- where the demons live. Acathla's purpose is to swallow our world into Hell, thereby destroying it
Then changes it to Angelus
Still use this name on Irc.
Now got Zombie.- cause i walk around/talk/act like im always dead...lol
Nothing special,

Deadpool is a Marvel Comic's character, he is also a Mercenary

added the Mr bit just to make it different
the Bible speaks of apparently-demonic races cohabiting with humans both before and after the Flood, and producing giants called Nephilim (which means "fallen ones")
thats what google told me after I looked it up a min ago.
Danny told me its a STD too. (I think he did)
Aint got it from either of these, however I might consider saying I got it from that Bible story just so I look all cool.

I had 2 different nicks before, 1 of which is still used by some of the old gimps here (Im glad there still are some of em). That is all.
:) !!More more!!

Kinda fun to read all this logical, crazy and completely not logical stuff!!
My first name is willaim. In Japanese that means 'Hogo' which translates into 'Protector'..simple

Had the same nick in Ut for 3 years..plus a few others which i wont mention :)
Mr_Bungle - First Name taken from the band of the same name, who were obsessed by clowns running over people in cars.Generally used for laming on publics.

0_fps - A quick nick change for when my p200 started chugging when i was laming around on publics.

Fat_Nasty - Used exclusively to piss off newbies to assault on publics, by using cheap tricks and being lame.

--=B=-- - Being lame with Mogul,Opti, and Saytan on publics required this name change.Best fun i ever had tbh.Oh i also used it for a clan i could never be arsed to play matches for.

Binge - Martz is a piss-head and can't type Bungle.Glad that stuck.Thanks mate.Also used for being lame on publics weirdly.
Mr_Bungle said:
Mr_Bungle - First Name taken from the band of the same name, who were obsessed by clowns running over people in cars.Generally used for laming on publics.

0_fps - A quick nick change for when my p200 started chugging when i was laming around on publics.

Fat_Nasty - Used exclusively to piss off newbies to assault on publics, by using cheap tricks and being lame.

--=B=-- - Being lame with Mogul,Opti, and Saytan on publics required this name change.Best fun i ever had tbh.Oh i also used it for a clan i could never be arsed to play matches for.

Binge - Martz is a piss-head and can't type Bungle.Glad that stuck.Thanks mate.Also used for being lame on publics weirdly.
Started UT as RiotChild , I liked X-men comics when I was young (about 8 - 11) and there was a character called "WildChild" that I liked but I didn't wanna take the name completely so I removed the "Wild" and added "Riot" hence RiotChild and recently I changed my nick to RiotzZz because I like the German DM player "GitzZz" for his skill and I enjoyed watching his demos nd watching him compete in WCG (World Cyber Games)
1. General_(_TKA_) , was new to ut , and started up my own clan, wanted it to be clear i was the leader and kind of a cool leadership angle to it so i liked it at the time ( till ppl kept asking me why havent TnT sorted dates out lol )

2. Tom_TF , no real effort gone into this one , as u can see , its my name and the clan tag was simple so i kept my nick simple.

3. e)(cistenZ - watched the film which i thought was a bit weird, but really loved the name, added the "c" to make it mine (no matter how many ppl told me i spelt my nick wrong) played mainly with e)(.

4. Guyver - really like the guyver - dark hero manga cartoons , and enjoyed the motion pictures when i was younger, plus i needed a new name coz everyone seemed to think i was exo when i played with ex ( ask suym )

Numerous fake names , not even gonna bother listing em coz as rich said forums couldnt hack it :)

Not alot of effort gone in really , just what fitted/ came to mind at the time i guess, like alot of the rest of u.
It all starts with arcades, 3 characterspace to be cool in;


So when I started online playing, that became No-One, I will still occationally play as N1 or sumat to that effect...

Dog, short for Doglike, its really from the original now dead LOL thread on ezboard, we were spamming to get Godlike as a title... and at some point I commented I really wanted Doglike instead, and one day drunk/stoned/sumat, I started playing as ><FFS>Doglike, cuz I was being lame and crap, and I've been that ever since(lame and crap that is)...

Dan, well? Go figure...

I have a gazillion other names, quite a few involving falafels, don't ask, it's my private fetish.

Oh, and djukic is a cunt
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BBStr@nge said:
OMG how fookin sad for me..................

Bebe_le_Str@nge - name of a fookin shite Heart song I never even heard - was browsing winmx looking for Heart's version of Harry Nillsons "Without You" (u could slash up good to that all you young angst fans:P) saw it and changed my original nick to that - made a few online m8's and joined *LuNa* for a about oh one match - ppl started calling me BB so I shortened the name.

Jeez I was such a n00b back then - I remember asking Andy Dowling "wtf does :p mean?" "don't tell ne1 I dont know m8 pls" looooooool

FS Andy aint spoken to you for ages -
Izal - G - loooooooooong boring story:P
Ranadall Flagg - The walking Dude - outta Stephen Kings The Stand
Deadpool - Ownage Marvel character

Oh yeah and "Big" John Holmes when in PoRn - lol
UT really owned back then:D

I remember!.. fs that was ages ago. I tried belling you a while ago actually Ged altho just aswell your phone was off as I was out of it. Get on ICQ you slaaaaaaaaag.....

Andrew = Me and a mate of mine Marco started playing online,and we founded a clan called "JFS" - John Fisher School ! LOL. Me and Marco stopped playing in the clan cos all my other m8s didnt like computers, so i decided to make a clan myself, FJS - Future Joins Sanity (lame name award 1999).

-CrackKing- = a play on the word cracking, used to say it alot IRL when i was more of a gimp then i am now

CK = i believe it was Spirit who gave me it, obviously shortened from CrackKing!

Extase = From the club in Holland where i got the second most drunk i have ever been.

Fakenicks - StoneSour, InFlames, TheFlameout blash blah blah, all from music etc