Why no?

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sub sucks for std the shock spam is nasty worse than guardia ffs but as a ias map its quite good imo, but autorip is the one of the crapest maps i have ever played, it used to be on a lot of server over a year ago got removed cos it sucked (yes mughi its not a new map) lone behold a year later its get put in the league without a vote or anything and most still ppl think its crap. I for one dont want to play this map on publics heck i dont want to play it fullstop !
Originally posted by Ajax
(yes mughi its not a new map)
Well, its new to the league since we joined, and thats what I meant if you wanna be picky :p:
thing is it got submitted to a map vote back then it lost, then later it gets added with no vote taking place, if it had come to a map vote i really dont think it would of stood of a chance of getting voted in
Originally posted by jwer_NL
lol one of the drunken orange admins slapped it on orange league maps just to check it out :D


timo asked me about river2...and i said yes yes yes.............


i know over 170 maps ............and i´m getting bored of the league maps,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ffs

BRING IN MORE MAPS PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If siege is fixed, then why the fuck isnt it back in the league!?
Lets ditch bollocks buggy maps like AutoRIP and have siege back!!!!

I really have to start a poll on that one.

EDIT: Someone send me the fixed version too (not that i ever had any problems with the old one)
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i like the map

dont like ajax's comments one it tho think about if u had made the map and read that =/
@ all peeps whining & cryin about "new maps" suck because u get owned by someone who took the time to learn the map admit it fs :fingers:

some new league maps would be nice.... im with you snuggs!!! :beer:
How the hell can folk still get lost in Sub and AutoRIP? They're not that bloody complex. Subbase all leads to the one room - find that room and you can't really go wrong after that. Auto is pish but it's anything but a maze. Each room is very different from the others and not many objs. Do league players not immediately learn a new league map when it comes out, in case their upcoming opposition have learned it and might want to catch them out by picking it? In fact why am I asking this - I had to teach 24 both friggin maps a month after they came out. Seriously though come on - neither map is complicated and they been out for months - everyone in the league knows them by now and just say 'I'm lost' to get a laugh. They won't be so lost in league matches will they?

Anyway need new maps new maps new maps :saw:
:shout: new map really annyoing for me :mad:

more 1337 maps like Ballistic or Riverbed]|[AL - damn SubB2 and autorip :D..no comment :rolleyes: