What changes would you like to see?

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Staff member
May 26, 2001
Out of curiosity, what changes (if any) would you like to see in UT2?

One thing which I think would be cool would be combination dodges, a bit like, I suppose, Tekan (sp?) where different combinations of dodges would allow you to move in funkier ways.
err are you talking about Tekken the Beat-em-up game for PSX/PS2 ? lolol that would be class stuff
Being a completely uncreative person, I 'll just wait and see. :cool:

the way I understood the previews, Digital extremes implemented a couple of changes already
- special move energy, recharged by picking up energy dropped by killed opponents
- some kind of double jump to get higher than usual
- 3*forward key = running faster
- with enough energy you can trigger a short time invulnerybility
- some kind of orbital ion cannon replaces the redeemer
- pulse gun is now named link gun and you can power the beam of your teammates by shooting at him with 2nd fire. He will do triple damage then, with 2 supporting beams he'll get 5* damage. "Supporters" can't move while doing this.
- shock rifle now uses 2 different styles of ammo, one for the primary, one for the 2ndary
- Impact hammer 2ndary fire now works as a real shield that at least can reflect the linkguns (ex pulsegun) primary fire
- flack cannon shrapnels have a lower lifetime now
- rocket launcher has 1 rocket on primary and up to 3 on 2ndary. granades now on the assault rifle
- no goo gun, no ripper
- weapon switch times are faster
- you start with all weapons, and a certain amount of ammo, no weapon pickups
- healthpacks/armor/shield/ammo are replaced with loading station that produce a healthpack/armor/shield/ammo piece in a certain time period

that's all I can recall right now without looking stuff up

even though some changes (specialmoves, invulnerability) may change the known UT gameplay pretty much, I'm looking forward to it, since it might speed gameplay up, without actually increasing the gamespeed.
afaik the redeemer's still in the game. probably because the ion connon only works outside (for obvious reasons)

what i'd really like to see is a gun that looks like a beaver and shoots maple leaves :D
healthpacks/armor/shield/ammo are replaced with loading station that produce a healthpack/armor/shield/ammo piece in a certain time period
so static targets for snipers aye ? This will be the new spawn sniping

some kind of orbital ion cannon replaces the redeemer
Didn't they learn ?
mass destruction weapons are soo lame
yes it is fin I think, coz u have to stand on these recharge things for w hile if I understood it correctly.
ace, u get an instant boost similar to the health packs by just running over it but if u stay there it'll keep refilling your health
Id love to see a CD key with the game used for getting into games via a central server, like Tribes, Wolfenstein etc.

Gives an admin better powers to PERMANENTLY remove the next Nasty, 442, Sam or whover from the server. Repeated lameness would result in a banned CD key. I would be willing to pay for it actually but thats just me.
I'd like to have a lethal electrofying ray foing from the keyboard to the fingers of anyone who show too much lameness. Now that would be nice :annoyed:
Originally posted by Ace

some kind of orbital ion cannon replaces the redeemer
Didn't they learn ?
mass destruction weapons are soo lame

What does it matter, most mapcreator cut the redeemer/ion thingy out anyway so u get the same effct as not putting the weapon in the game....,

The thing I like to see is twice as much assault maps(AS IS COMING IN UT2 RIGHT??)