Thanks ((Si><th)) & =)Ai(=

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New Member
Jun 26, 2001
Birmingham UK
-BoD- Would like to thank ((Si><th)) & =)Ai(= for the loan of their server tonight as a replacement to server 1. Its much appreciated and helps keep the backlog of games down!! Nice one guys :)

perhaps if MoD had not used 2 mercs when u pld us last month might have been different, could be wrong though , thats just my oppinion

but tbh im not sure, think it was Uk who u would have spoken to, so go ask him on icq not post crap here

i think we ben pretty good tbh, we have let clans both servers(sometimes at the same time) all week. Much respect to sixth also

even when we wanted to use it ourselves we used it later so ppl could play their match

so Swyzz from mega merc MoD, come on icq d00d, coz this aint the place, if u dont like us, u got ya selves to blame for it.

oh on a nicer note :)

Nps bodders, anytime :D
agree with gaz, we dont have to do anything.... and we decide the clans that uses it :P so if we want anything back for it, do it, or ur not gonna use server :D

nice.. we played the match the 19th though.. looks like that post is from today..:cool:

We just had to use the AAK server, which is not quite up to the task of running a league match it seems.. though AAK had the worst time with it themself. Still it was useable but it's always funnier to play a match where things are running smooth for both clans connection wise..
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and a#)[]Gfrs (or whatever your l337 name is )
13 years old and king of the world, eh?
thats not a 13 year old kid, its a wasted guy and not a chinese girl.
and if you dont know androide, he's (what a luck) admin of the server you wanted to play on afaik
yeah and that so called shit we gave out, was all aimed at those 2 bloody mercs, u even had 1 other guy on a public server at the time

and like i said i wasnt totally aware of a "deal" just heard about it from some member :)
And he wonders why he didn't get the server ,fs :D
Slag off the admin some more maybe you get it then.!!!

:fight: :copcar: :sniper: