Record Zone Cheats !

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Cheater.. I bet you used viagra before we started ffs, someone on your team should "behindview 0" you before... Grrr lame cheater... I bet your a real wanker. :shout:
faking record pics is almost the lamest thing i've ever seen, but i knew it would happen....

Zolide u r a:cow:
When will they make it standard that u must submit a pic PLUS a link to the NGstats? sure not all servers have them enabled but thats just to fukin bad ;)
Wow i spose all those books written about the link between the modern male and the link between his neanderthal insticts is true.
But i didnt know they went as far as blowing the others manlyhood off;)
any1 know where I can get Photshop full version warez ?

There are a few records I ain't got yet
