New map + map update

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Well maybe, maybe not....

when ppl learn a map they do learn to D it better.

But same goes for hammer sets, I played it once in a pug today and we assaulted it in like 7 minutes. We got held like 4 minutes at science corridor and we eventually got it with me dodging into a set at the first doorway, if ppl learn to make sets on the run effectively it might become easier to assault not to defend.

And in that pug on defence we lost tunnels to a superb triple (i assume) set that landed a guy right on the objective, I had never seen such thing even in NA so :thumb: whoever did it. They also got science with a hammer set.... and we eventually lost the map in roughly 6:50. With less then 15 seconds to D...

very close and intense.... and it might seems wird because the map is indeed a 6 minutes+ map but it always seems to be very very close. I think that about 30% of the time i played it in #naat pugs the offence reached the second to last objective with like 20 - 40 seconds to go. Its really an intense map and its also more shock oriented then most other maps which is why, imho, it might be disliked by a lot of people.

Some people said it was worse then astheno and guardia, well unless it gets fully defended alot plz don't say noob stuff like that, just say you don't like it mmmmmkay? :p:

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Well it looks like the NA version was based from a very very early version of my SE (or ][) release; the only thing I can see that has been ripped was part of the end sequence with the explosion chains; so I'll let whoever did this version off... I think it was the LE version that was a complete rip of my SE private beta.

the LE version was great... only the last (extra part) looked really hard to concour...
the video I was talking about yesterday

notice that when the 7th second of the vid appears im in the air falling down and when the 8th second of the vid appears im in the air going up so yeah I spend less then 1.0 second on the ground to get the obj. Plus my run wasn't perfect, it can be done a little faster then that, I can do it I just cba to get the perfect shot this morning.

P.S. You need an account to download from that site, its free but if u cba to create one u can use mine,
email: [email protected]
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