MoD wave goodbye

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I had a couple of months of fun with twnz,mc and zyx in mod, shame you are calling it a day. :wave:
i forgot to mention that legend SONIC MOD, what a legend!

Bye Zyx, Helios, Sonic Mod legends
ah well, never liked MoD.
too many ex cheaters in there, oh yeah and some behaved like 10 years old kids (keywords: lol spam, flames and other annoying stuff :yawn: )

Anyway :wave:
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Thanks for the shout out W1sh - despite the haters, MoD was a fantastic clan to be in, and after playing with W1sh for a short time you could actually get to know the great guy behind the lol ;(. Everyone else was fantastic also. Thanks for good times :)
also loled at bart the neider :D gbai mod was a gr8 time although we were never champs of the year if i remember right