In-Game Frustrating moments..

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New Member
Jun 23, 2001
The one thing that nearly makes me throw my keyboard out of the window (the one bad thing about cordless) is when i'm shock whore defending the bridge on guardia, and some %"£&^"£er ON MY OWN TEAM shoots me off.

Anyone else have similar reactions to certain assault situations?


ps. my first title wasn't nearly so clean, but i calmed down a little.;)
i always knock neo off the bridge in guardia in clanmatches :D

guess its something u gotta live with :)
When i land on the first switch on Rook and then jumps away with green slime chasing me, only to find out that the damn switch didnt go off. And other switchrelated stuff like that.

when you're playing dm and die, then the person fails to allow you to get a weapon and kills you is my fav pet hate.

also on guardia when you have ppl in front of you who arent dodging, and u can't get past them so u just have to stop until they've gone.
One of the most obvious ones,
ppl shootin you off HiSpeed to get boots, and once they got boots they nick BigK of hlth and belt then pissin well fall of the train!!!1:shout:
ohh and ppl who like 2 play little mermaid outsside the sub on ocean floor:shout:

one thing that does my head in is bad launches, u enf up flying for miles just to fuckin crater cos they used 6 instead of 4 or 5 rockets, even worse when its done by ur own clan m8s :rolleyes:

I am that lucky sniper btw :D
getting launched on siege and being nailed mid air by a shock combo as ur about to steer a direct landing onto the switch is a pisser.

1. ppl combo'ing me off hispeed, just as I've shot 3 off it to get first boots and gotten both keg and shield
2. ppl swearing at me cuz I shoot them off bridge on guardia
3. when I don't get to take all 4 scuba's on oceanfloor, they're mine ffs
4. When some lamer refused to get launched by me after I've cratered him 3 times
5. ;)
Originally posted by mOnKeY
also on guardia when you have ppl in front of you who arent dodging, and u can't get past them so u just have to stop until they've gone.

Golden words. Especially if its ur clanm8s :D
i must agree with monkey and malfunction here!!

but another thing is on Bridge:

for the first time you are sniping on the bridge like a god ("Godlike") and then some #%$%$@#-teammate (which i dont call team"mate") shoots you off with a shock coz he thinks you are having an aimbot or just coz he looks shooting you off the bridge. And then when you are falling form the bridge on the ground failing to typ ^$#@&%$#&#^^$#@#%$!- coz the fly wasnt too long......:shout: :shout: :mad: :shout: :flack:
Or when yourr training new hammer launches, and some little canadian kid has fun chasing you with his piston, so you dont actually learn any new launches...

Well thats a personal experience:D