Edinburgh roxxers.

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Originally posted by BBStr@nge
Tell him BB says he is a right CnUt and he had better stop being a great wuss and get outta hopital fs:) Should perk him up!

Seriously pass on all the best from the ald yin:)

Will do m8!
Just to let yous all know.

I went through to see Tommo (Haggis) today.
Hes broken his left arm (The bone under the bicep).
Had to get a plate and pins in it to put it back straight.
(Wanking shouldnt be too much of a prob coz he right handed! hehe)
The bruising on the back of his arm is MAD! Totally BLACK!

His arms swollen up BIG STYLE but he seemed not to be in too much pain (probably something got do with the football sized pain killers he was on!!!!! )
He's getting out tonight. (Id personally keep him in the room with rubber wallpaper but I aint a Doc and they wouldnt listen! ;oD )

I passed on everyones best wishes but Im not sure if he'll be online for a wee bit. (A few days at least!!!!!!)

I suppose at least its not his right arm, but still :eek:

lo peeps im really sorry about the night out was getting drunk when it happened and was looking forward to the beaver hunt.

maybe another night oot when i get better?

i got a greenstick fracture to my humerous [wasnt funny] and severed nerves and shit so im sitting here right now with a fckued up arm and its taking ages to type.

was niice to meet yall and hope we can di it agin sometime....btw tnegas heed isnt big at all like his pic. bitterly dissaponte i was.:cool:
Sorry to hear that m8 :(
Must have hurt a lot. Ouch!
I don't think I wanna arm wrestle no mo'

I hope your arm will heal quickly and that it heals back to 100%
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It's all to do wi mirrors m8, clever stuff:nod:

I really AM a bigheaded cnut:D
fs ill be there next time my home town ffs :( wish i had known ah well next time give me a shout :)