Current forum donations

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RED cubes 3=mod 5 = Forum admin
Blue cubes is League Admin
Yellow cubes donaters

I think
Yo Martz
For all the neg I give I still wanna see the league and forums survive.
How much you want/need m8?
Updated for Jan 2006 payment - £140
Balance: -£54 after payment and donations made.
Payment Details

VAT: 0.00 GBP
Total: £40.00 GBP
Item/Product Name: Forum donation (Annual) Subscription

just updated my subs early :)

so comeon pple pay some money
Got it and sorted, thanks Brain/DB/Bas! (and everyone else who has donated)
Yep, I think so thanks Morph.

My PayPal has been quite busy the past week/few days. :D
Oh yeah, like I've said - the bills will always get paid by me regardless of the donations - it just makes it a lot easier :)

Need to have a proper audit of the figures and update the totals, Kip will be having his bill paid in the next day or so. :)
Figures updated, and we're done very very well.

Thank you to all the very generous people in utassault who have donated!

I will be cleaning all replies from this thread in the next week or so.
pld whoever donated some money :thumb:
dont know if i can do this more frequently just had alot of spare money left this month :D
Martz said:
Note: This thread replaces any previous "Current donation threads" to reflect new and updated information about our hosting provider, the costs and forum subscriptions. gratefully appreciates any donations made towards the running costs of the forums! You can make a donation to us via your forum User Control panel > Paid Subscriptions.

The donation is made on a subscription basis, either every 3, 6 or 12 months. We cannot and do not automatically renew the donation subscription, once it has expired you may manually renew if you want too or continue to use the forums as a normal user.

If you make a donation, you will get the following benefits:
  • Custom user title
  • Delete your own threads and posts
  • Open/close your own threads
  • Infinite attachment storage (within reason)
  • Use profile pictures up to 200k
  • Larger avatar image dimensions (100x100) and size (200k)
  • Increase from 100 to 500 private messages
  • Message tracking and deny read receipts
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We are proud that sponsor our forums and provide top quality hosting and support that allow us to keep on running. Our costs are still considerable to provide the inital hardware for the dedicated server and bandwidth every month/quarter thereafter.

Our costs are roughy £50/70 euros a month. So please donate and support us!

Current total:

1st November 2005 we have: -£105 ! :(
16th December 2005 we have: £1 :D
19th January 2006 we have -£54 ! :(
21th January 2006 we have: £106 :D (and bill paid!)

Many thanks to all of the people who have donated in the past over the years, your support is appreciated and we wouldn't still be spamming if it wasn't for you!
To all those who cannot donate for whatever reason - that is fine! We understand that not everyone is prepared or able to donate.

Please only reply to this thread if you have any questions - otherwise it will be pruned!
