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Originally posted by foxy
yeh now tell us what phD, some are just a piece of piss, wasting 3 years of your life eg study of the daisy or summat! and do ur career prospects no good at all....

ive got a degree in astrophysics and am doing a computer science masters rated 2nd in uk after one at oxford and is brick.

cant get harder than that so screw u, u lazy load of arseholes!

lol stupid gimps u've no idea of the complexity or difficulty of stuff like advanced quantum mechanics or stellar astrophysics. You just read a few pissey books then just copy it back out in the exam, mixed in with a lot of bullshit and waffle. Try waffling in a nuclear physics exam.....

lol hard!! u dont know what hard is......

unbelievable :rofl:, dunno how u brought yourself to that right that tbh :P

One thing thats hard for one person is easy for another, prolly quite a few ppl who would find astrophysics not that bad :)

And u assume a lot when stating that there is no-one else here who could understand such "complexity" . I have no idea about Physics but im willing to bet there someone else on this forum , besides u, who does :D