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There's a small mod / hack that lets you change stuff like this, details are here.

Just gotta sit down for an afternoon, be patient and read everything, all the information is there, its just a case of applying it. There are some small problems connecting to servers using that mod. Normally i have to reconnect once, but after im in its fine, and AntiTCC doesnt mind it. Its just when u connect to a server for the first time. But imo its well worth pressing my reconnect bind once to have the menus looking the way i want it.

I aint gonna write a tutorial for changing the menu unless i get REALLY bored, but the thread i mentioned has most of the things you need. However, if u need any specific help with LITTLE problems, then pm me.

Thx for nice remarks btw :kiss:
Thx for all these binds Joko and others :D

Now, in UT i used a hammerbind, but not the one that u have to keep pressed then release to jump.
Mine I had to push just twice: first time to begin firing hammer + a jump, from that point hammer keeps charging alone, then a second keypress on same key for releasing hammer + jump! Here is the bind i used:
Command="Fire | Toggle bFire | Jump",Alias=MaxHammer2
Plus that key bind:
GreyPlus=SwitchWeapon 1 | MaxHammer2

Advantage is i dont have to keep the key pressed untill release. Drawback is my player jumps when i set it 2. But not really a problem, as i got used to it.

Can someone provide me the same bind method for UT2K4? or translate my bind according to the UT2K4 engine?

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Joko said:

You can remove that from your first post, because with the latest update of UT2k4 the colorized names and stuff is removed again, so you cant add colors anymore... or did somebody find out how to do that still?

PS: really great work there :thumb: lots of usefull stuff :D !!!!!

Question: would you mind if i copy some of it and add it in my 2k4 collection page?
else i just make a link to your forum thread...
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nah don't mind, do what u want with it, knowledge is free; everyone should have access to it.
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