Bind to swap from Centre weapon to hidden weapon

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New Member
Jun 3, 2001
Birmingham, UK
I am trying to find out if anyone knows how to make a bind that will switch from Centre weapon to hidden weapon whilst in the server.


Joko said:
x=sethand center | sethand hidden
This bind will do nothing. It will only set the weapon to hidden (no onrelease).

If you wish to switch between weapons, you need a bind that re-sets the key each time you push it:

Aliases[38]=(Command="sethand center|set input CapsLock hand2",Alias=hand1)
Aliases[39]=(Command="sethand hidden|set input CapsLock hand1",Alias=hand2)


Of course, replace the key name with whatever key you wish to use.

Alternatively, to view the center hand while you hold down the key, and then go back to hidden when you release the key (which can in turn be interjected by the console / voice menu to make it stick)....

CapsLock=sethand center | onrelease sethand hidden

(I presume this is what Joko was trying to suggest).
blerg u know wot i meant :p

was mainly sethand command i was getting at :sofa:
[QUOTE='//3iRd(o)]This bind will do nothing. It will only set the weapon to hidden (no onrelease).

If you wish to switch between weapons, you need a bind that re-sets the key each time you push it:

Aliases[38]=(Command="sethand center|set input CapsLock hand2",Alias=hand1)
Aliases[39]=(Command="sethand hidden|set input CapsLock hand1",Alias=hand2)


Of course, replace the key name with whatever key you wish to use.

Alternatively, to view the center hand while you hold down the key, and then go back to hidden when you release the key (which can in turn be interjected by the console / voice menu to make it stick)....

CapsLock=sethand center | onrelease sethand hidden

(I presume this is what Joko was trying to suggest).[/QUOTE]
Hmn... I don't know you do I?
épidémie said:
Delete=sethand hidden | onrelease sethand right <--- will it work ?
Can't remember why; but try removing the spaces around the command break line.

Delete=sethand hidden|onrelease sethand right

Tnega said:
Hmn... I don't know you do I?
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Don't see why they'd remove that fs - if they do I'll lose a lot of faith in them. There go half the rox launches for a start. And ripper shots...
was already discusse dsome months ago :

in my user.ini it is

Aliases[27]=(Command="sethand Hidden|set input F8 Hand2",Alias=Hand1)
Aliases[28]=(Command="sethand Center|set input F8 Hand3",Alias=Hand2)
Aliases[29]=(Command="sethand Right|set input F8 Hand4",Alias=Hand3)
Aliases[30]=(Command="sethand Left|set input F8 Hand1",Alias=Hand4)

yup just addapt to the hand you got imho but if allready discussed i won't bother lol
ok show me the the launch from middle tower in siege with hidden weapon plz...... thats about the only reason I got that bind