What to do with captains

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Keep a counter. If your average is less than capping once in every 10 games, you aren't allowed to sign unless you also cap.
Enforcing captains won't bring you any good. Besides random captains i don't see any viable option tbh.
Blocking people from playing because they don't cap up, or banning them will only reduce by huge the number of puggers. You said it yourself, only a handful of people regullary capts, what happens when you ban the rest. ? :P
Fair point BUT the opposite isn't desireable either, now people captain cause they cba to wait for ages, yet they cba to do proper tacs or join ts either. They captain for the soul purpose of not having to wait..... often leads to shit pugs aswell
there are no new people here, just lazy people even if u think u cant cap at least try to copy what others do in terms of picking teams and tax, positions etc...
