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²Cece I have no problems with playing on other server, well not even if they are wqorse for me... but I do have some when the server increases the ping for another clan insanely...
So to the forfeit... Atl I didnt forfeit because I was childish and crying about the game we lost but I didnt see any sense or fun in a game which we only can slide through :D being shot every second :D And why play the other 3 maps when the result was obvicious.
However if you need more info contact me on ICQ and we can talk about it without insulting or calling each other lamers... :P

²Des I dont wanna call ya a fucking LPB :P but when you got a ping of 40 and your is double as high on server #2 then you still have a owning ping for my taste so the decrease of playing performance aint worth mentioning it :P Even the spam weapons... :lol: well it aint an advantage in using that weaponry when you shoot rockets and get killed by 'em when they hit ya in the back :P

In the overall I guess it was summin like Shpinx posted in the other topic in this forum ("heat of the moment" was what he called it I think :D) I dont want to carry that bad image around with me so I think Ill say sorry to anyone who I insulted regarding that match for my part... :(:(

See ya, Cash
Originally posted by Cª$h
contact me on ICQ and we can talk about it without insulting or calling each other lamers

Nah, Cash... it's not fun without calling each others lamers ;)

And about div 1... I didn't say that you will lose in div 1.
But to win you will actually have to play the matches :)

However I'm glad that there are sensible members in UKS.

I also apologize for some of the flaming content of my previous posts...
It's not fair to call a whole clan lame just because they have members like Hank or Silver,doing everything they can to ruin their clan's reputation...
Originally posted by CeCe

I also apologize for some of the flaming content of my previous posts...
It's not fair to call a whole clan lame just because they have members like Hank or Silver,doing everything they can to ruin their clan's reputation...

Very friendly sentence... ;) so I think I excuse me, to call AAK a lame clan, because they ave members like Cece, doing everything they can to ruin their clan's reputation... :coolfip:
Originally posted by FirewallX

Very friendly sentence... ;) so I think I excuse me, to call AAK a lame clan, because they ave members like Cece, doing everything they can to ruin their clan's reputation... :coolfip:

Ur quite good typing bullshit Firewall. Another useless post that doesn't make sense at all. Like CeCe said, try to come back when you have something usefull to post.
damn i thought u are cool Cece.

I CANT hear that anymore. IN CI AAK Blame us and now here.
(sry Capslock on)
bah the AAK-lame-virus got ya. Sry for you.

btw UKS will ALWAYS defeat AAK in a clanwar so shut it.
Ur "funny" clanmates, said, that we suck....ok we kicked ur
Now u say: Hank and SIlver will destroy the UKS-Image.
When u think that, then say this in ICQ and not in the Forum.

AAK is good in blaming(like Asuka and now YOU). If you got any Problems @ home dont get on our nervs.

All ur next blaming-posts will be delete from me. :o

THANK YOU for reading this.

I'm not a person who makes accusations without a real good reason.

I never had any bad thoughts about UKS till our last clanwar after which Hank came to our IRC and accused us of using spectators in the match and kicking them from the server, without having ANY evidence.
Now THAT'S what I would call "good in blaming"...

And Silver also made a weird post on our public forum on CI.

It's sad,Bart, that you're so obsessed with this AAK vs UKS thing.
UKS beat AAK a few times... so what?!
Do you really think anyone cares?
Even if you would beat AAK 8-0 it wouldnt change the opinion I have about YOU.

UKS have some good & nice members.
But the whole clan has to suffer from people like you behaving like children.
lol manche Personen können es nich lassen.....................du und Katsch reitet die ganze Zeit drauf rum das in UKS soviele Wunderkinder sind..........welche sind 15 und welche sind 28 und andere sind wiederum 18 das Alter is egal.............ich reite auch nich drauf rum das wir euch in 2 popeligen matches besiegt haben......das macht silver :shout:

aber ich würde gerne den Hauptgrund wissen wieso du immer hier hin kommst..............du wills immer Ärger machen nich?:confused: das suckt:mad:
:lol: Also das ist jetzt wirklich Schwachsinn

Du reitest nicht darauf herum, daß ihr uns 2 mal besiegt habt?
Und was zum Teufel war das dann?

btw UKS will ALWAYS defeat AAK in a clanwar so shut it.
Ur "funny" clanmates, said, that we suck....ok we kicked ur
Du versuchst immer wieder durch solche kindische Bemerkungen UKS gegen AAK aufzuhetzen...

Außerdem ist es mir egal wie alt jemand ist, solange er oder sie sich korrekt verhält....

Jung sein und sich kindisch verhalten sind 2 verschiedene Dinge.
²Both parties: SHUT IT PLS NOW :)
²Bart: It doesnt matter how much we will beat AAK or lose to them, at least for me
²CeCe: Well age and childish behavior might be different things but I think you are a bit prejudice about kids, (PLS DONT START NEW FLAMES ABOUT THIS :P I Wanna end it...) And tell Katsch to shut his CI-insults against Hank or other UKS members, too
²Hank: Leave CeCe or Katsch alone and dont respond everytime or start new flaming (sry if I offended you too much.)

Also everyone else dont throw new flamable stuff in the fire :)
OK.. I think this will be my last post in this thread (hope so)

I don't think that I'm prejudiced against younger people...

I don't even know how old people in UKS are... I really have no clue , so I have to judge them by their posts...
I agree to Cash... ---> lets make peace... :)
So I apologize for all mad things Id said in this thread to CeCe.
- is that ok?

:rolleyes: I hope, I has helped now, to finish this flaming-thread...
Ok auch in deutsch :P.

Zum Thema "Kick ur ass": Das war normal ein Spruch von euch.
Mir ist es auch egal, aber ein paar dachten, sie müßten auf wichtig machen.

Außerdem du wunderst dich das wir ärgerlich sind?

Ihr reitet immer darauf rum, das IHR ach so alt seit und wir ach so kindisch. Wenn du immer nur als kleiner dummes Kind behandelt wirst, dann nervt dich das(obwohl viele von uns über 18 sind).

Du weißt/wußtest wahrscheinlich nicht, was so alles auf beiden Seiten gesagt wurde, oder?

Nur ein paar Bsp:

Bezeichnungen wie "Luschen" oder "Lamerclan".

Arrogant habt ihr euch auch ggber uns verhalten.

Und als ich in euerm CI-Forum (höfflich!!) nach einem Wartermin fragte, wurde ich von einigen mit dummen Kommentare belohnt.
Vielleicht bin ich in dieser Beziehung ja "uncool", aber ich fand das idiotisch.

und noch vieles mehr.

Es gibt einen Spruch: "Wie man in den Wald reinschreit, so hallt es heraus".

Eigentlich wäre/ist es mir scheiß egal, ob wir uns verstehen oder nicht. Was sonst noch zwischen Memz von uns und euch war, weiß ich nicht. Aber ich weiß nur wie ihr euch ggber mir verhalten habt und das war kindisch.

Tja am Ende bleibt eben, das UT nur ein Spiel ist und alles im Grunde unwichtig.
Keine Ahnung... Ich hab diese AAK gegen UKS Sache nur am Rande mitbekommen.

Was da alles vorgefallen ist von beiden Seiten weiß ich nicht.
Deswegen wird es wohl das beste sein das Kriegsbeil zu begraben...

AAK und UKS müssen nicht unbedingt die dicksten Freunde werden aber eine "friedliche Koexistenz" sollte (von meiner Seite) durchaus möglich sein.

Die meisten UKS'ler die ich näher kennengelernt habe waren in Ordnung.
Na dann:

[size=large]Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen...![/size];)

(btw. hab AAK jetzt auch in meine Sig aufgenommen...)
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