To EVERY Dutch student!

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Jan 18, 2002
Apologies for the Dutch below, it's basicly a plan by the government to DOUBLE the money students have to pay to go to college, and other cuts on education in the netherlands!

Below is a summary of an article in today's edition of De Volkskrant found on Origin of the article:

Het collegegeld moet omhoog naar 2900 euro en de studiefinanciering moet niet langer een gift zijn, maar een lening. Dat vinden topambtenaren van zes ministeries. De ingrepen zouden het rijk 700 miljoen euro per jaar opleveren.

De ambtenaren maken deel uit van de Centrale Economische Commissie (CEC), die tijdens de formatie de informateurs en onderhandelaars van financiële adviezen voorziet. Het plan gaat de ambtenaren van het ministerie van Financiën nog niet ver genoeg, zij hebben plannen gemaakt waarmee per jaar 1,9 miljard euro per jaar op het hoger en wetenschappelijk onderwijs zou kunnen worden bespaard.

Hoewel financiën zo haar eigen plannen heeft, heeft het de plannen van het CEC, waar het deel van uitmaakt, al goedgekeurd. Maar volgens het ministerie zou ook de OV-jaarkaart wel kunnen worden afgeschaft, zou er een maximale leeftijdsgrens voor deelname aan het onderwijs moeten komen, moeten universitaire masteropleidingen en onderwijs aan Nederlanders in het buitenland niet langer door het rijk worden betaald. De rest van het geld wordt met een legio aan andere maatregelen binnengehaald.

Studenten en onderwijsinstellingen kijken kritisch naar de plannen. Men is bang voor weer een bezuinigingsronde, zeker omdat het plan om het collegegeld te verdubbelen en de studiefinanciering om te zetten in een lening door alle ambtenaren worden gedeeld.

Let your vote about this heard and vote here!!!
fuck english

Tsja, erg kut. Op die manier word studeren weer voor de elite. :shout:

Deze maatregel zou een directe doodslag zijn voor hoger en wetenschappelijk onderwijs. Ik zit nu op de uni en alles is best duur, vooral de boeken. Mijn moeder zat al geintjes te maken dat ik maar een 2de bijbaantje moest nemen voor al die boekenkosten. Gelukkig is er genoeg geld in huis om voor alles te betalen en hoef ik niet extra te werken ofzo, maar niet iedereen heeft die mazzel...
ja die mazzel heb ik dus niet
maar het komt allemaal neer op dit
geld sparen op onderwijs is geld sparen op de toekomst

ik ken te veel mensen die superslim zijn er nix kunnen studeren vanwege geldproblemen.

dauw dat kwartje van kok in studies

leraren zijn al een probleem en nou willen ze studenten ook naaien? melkert heeft al genoeg gedaan

lol 200 euro voor uitwonende, koop je amper bier voor man.
Ja, ik heb die mazzel dus ook niet.. collegegeld = 3000 in 8 termijnen

das 375 euro per maand collegegeld
huur: 175
gas/electra: 100
internet: 45
telefoon: 30
verzekering: 35
levenswaar: 100-150

das zeg maar zo'n 900 euro aan maandelijkse lasten! (minimaal!)
maximale lening die je op dit moment kunt krijgen: 600 euro.
dan moet je dus 300 bijverdienen om uberhaupt rond te kunnen komen! als dit plan doorgaat, zullen heel veel studenten domweg moeten stoppen met hun studie, simpelweg omdat de overheid het alleen nog mogelijk maakt voor de 'rijke lui's kindjes'

ik hoop dat er snel demonstraties georganiseerd worden, want daar ben ik bij!
Jullie 2 zijn ook uitwonend, ik woon nog gewoon thuis.
Als ik uitwonend zou zijn zou ik het ook niet kunnen betalen...
Ik heb er wel naar gekeken en gerekend, maar ik heb dan ook niet genoeg geld. Ik ben nu wel iedere dag een uur onderweg, maarja het is niet anders..

Thuis blijven is nou eenmaal gewoon goedkoper en voor mij dus ook de enige optie.
I'm sure all the UK, USA and German Students, for whom free grants and tuition fees have long since been abolished and who are now forced to take out loans to pay their way through university (and graduate on average £15,000 in debt (22,000Euros) feel for you poor dutch boys! :D

well..the germand, english and usa people werent bombed to death by the germans thats why were still a poor country and we need higher educated people..

same story with sweden, sweden wasnt bombed and they sold a lot of industrial stuff ..what comes next is that they were v rich.

but holland was bombed to the ground..and we had to start all over.
Originally posted by Thuringwethil
I'm sure all the UK, USA and German Students, for whom free grants and tuition fees have long since been abolished and who are now forced to take out loans to pay their way through university (and graduate on average £15,000 in debt (22,000Euros) feel for you poor dutch boys! :D


I dont give a shit for UK/USA/German students :fingers:

The goverment should support the students not abandone them..
I think u will find that the UK and Germany got bombed to fuck jackal :D

Maybe only specific sites and major cities, but when they where bombed, they where bombed hard by both sides.
Originally posted by Thuringwethil
I'm sure all the UK, USA and German Students, for whom free grants and tuition fees have long since been abolished and who are now forced to take out loans to pay their way through university (and graduate on average £15,000 in debt (22,000Euros) feel for you poor dutch boys! :D

fuck you Thur.. FUCK YOU!! i know people here in holland who have over 40.000 euros in debt, it's a common thing (yes, i worked at this institution IB-Groep for 6 months who controls the student loans).. and now the government will double the costs.. if you have anything CONSTRUCTIVE to say, get some more information about dutch education system first before posting something like that!

if these plans continue.. i have to quit my study! has that even crossed your mind?

oh and btw.. you missed a ")" in your post.. cmon edit your post fast!

asshole :paw:
I will just summarize the rules in this forum, starting with
Zero tolerance - if you break any single one of these forum rules you will not be allowed to post in this forum. Any decision made against you will not be up for negotiation.

and jump right to d:

Accept other peoples opinions just as you would wish for them to accept your own. Personal taunts/attacks/imaturity will not be tolerated.

Enough with that!

In Denmark most education is free (well free as in such, you still have to pay to live, if you dont live at home).
This has its advantages:
That students won't end up with a huge debt.
And its disadvantages:
Students seem to care less about their education.. They are not paying huge amounts of money to go there, so what the heck if they dont graduate first time. Also it adds up great in the taxes.

I cant say which thing is the best, though i dont think ending up with a 22000 euro loan when you finish your education is the best way to go..
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Originally posted by TIMMAH
fuck you Thur.. FUCK YOU!! i know people here in holland who have over 40.000 euros in debt, it's a common thing (yes, i worked at this institution IB-Groep for 6 months who controls the student loans).. and now the government will double the costs.. if you have anything CONSTRUCTIVE to say, get some more information about dutch education system first before posting something like that!

if these plans continue.. i have to quit my study! has that even crossed your mind?

oh and btw.. you missed a ")" in your post.. cmon edit your post fast!

asshole :paw:


Keep talking in that way and the only thing I'll be editing is you and your post - right out of this forum forever. Now grow up and stop behaving like a petulant little boy. Read the rules, esp. the ones doh quoted, if if you can't keep a civil tongue in your head, well, hold onto your ass and :wave: byebye!

If you bothered to look at the situation in other countries, you'd see its exactly the same there as where you live - i.e. Students get shafted by the government.

Take the UK - the current proposal is for fees alone to be up to £15,000 per year for subjects like medicine. The max loan you can get is just under £4,000 per year. Medicine is a 5 year course. £15,000 x 5, + 5 years living expenses. You do the maths on that one.

In the USA, students often graduate up to $50,000 or more in debt from many courses.

The situation where you are is nothing special at all. Students everywhere are getting shafted these days - and mostly because they don't get organised politically, and are so apathetic they just accept what they are given and make no effort to change it.
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"Now grow up and stop behaving like a petulant little boy"
Are you talking about yourself Thuringwethil, you pretending being a girl and all wich your NOT.
You made a joke of some1 new problems "feel for you poor dutch boys!" sure that people have it in other countries but its no reason to joke about it
Originally posted by Fireball
"Now grow up and stop behaving like a petulant little boy"
Are you talking about yourself Thuringwethil, you pretending being a girl and all wich your NOT.
You made a joke of some1 new problems "feel for you poor dutch boys!" sure that people have it in other countries but its no reason to joke about it

If you don't laugh, you cry. Personally, I prefer to laugh at problems. And do something about them.

You obviously don't understand the meaning of the word I used. Go look it up. While you're at it, re-read the forum rules.

You don't know me, and you don't know anything about me. Anything you think you know, you have heard from other people.

If we're talking of people pretending to be someone else, we all know that Fireball=GRZ. IP logs for those two names on their own would tend to suggest this.

So Gregorz, given your track history of "beyond the pale" posts, I'd be very careful about what you say next...
What a Joke.

Is Thur even suitable to be an admin of these forums?

The delicious irony of being unable to respond to an insult without having another go yourself, then trying to take the moral high ground is just precious.

"Fuck you" isn't acceptable, but "petulant little boy" is?
I know which one I find more offensive.

But then it's all okay when you make an offensive post, then rush off and edit it, isn't it? That way you get to insult someone in a public forum, yet manouver it so that their perfectly valid response appears churlish by changing history...

Just out of interest, why has the offensive stereotype "smoke less dope, read more books" post by your Brother not been mentioned?


ps> There is, as always, a difference between laughing at problems, and laughing at people. For all your careful (some would say anal) diction, I would have expected more.
Originally posted by Lex_Mortis

The goverment should support the students not abandone them..

Here here :nod:

Edit: "smoke less dope, read more books"

Tbh I may by speaking for myself here, but I'm sick to the fucking back teeth of all the student jibes, myself, Gazzy, Stiffler, Pika, Pyrom, and many others in our community are at uni (or the equivolent) and work fucking hard for our degrees and have put ourselves and our families in finanical strain to do it.

And yeh it will pay off in the end but I've had just about as much as I care to take with all the tax leeching, dope -smoking waste of space jokes

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/me dons his flame-proof suit, bursts into this thread, swifty slips a chill-pill into everyone's cuppa's and dashes out again before he is incinerated...