Smacking your children?

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God, I've come to this topic late, and read every post.

Is it right to slap/hit a minor?

but ask yourself;
Is it right to mentally abuse them instead?

Mental abuse is what does the real damage in relationships, not physical abuse in general, although it is true that children die regularliy from physical abuse, yes you read that right DIE REGULARILY, in Britain alone, it is severe and prollonged mental abuse which turns normally 'normal' kids into social missfits.

I realise that this post may be taking the subject beyind its original remit, but abuse in all its forms is a bigger issue in general than the physical element alone.
I personally see a difference between a slap/hit and a smack though. To slap or hit someone to me highlights extreme violence and actually putting some force behind what you do. A smack to me isnt violent, its more of a shock. I dont think there is any point in smacking a child who is at an age you can reason with.