Setting up a LeagueAS Match

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Crazy Squirrel

<b>***** *****istrator</b><br>Keeper of the BOOM S
May 28, 2001
London, UK
1. Open up web admin

2. Current-Current Game Make sure Game Type is 'League Assault'

3. Defaults-Server Set Game Password to something random. Apply.

4. Defaults-Map List Put maps chosen by both clans at the top of the list. Under these put the other chosen maps. Make note of the last map in the list.

5. Defaults-Rules Set Max Connections to 8 or 12 depending on match type. 'Force Balance Teams' to off. 'Force Respawn', 'Weapons Stay' and 'Tournament' to on. Friendly Fire to 0 or 100 depending on match type. Apply.

6.Defaults-Settings Hardcore, 100, 35, translocator off should be your settings.

7. Bots Make sure bots balance teams is off.

8. Current-Mutators Add or remove the 'InstaGIB Assault' mutator depending on match type.

9. Current-Current Game Switch map to the map which was last in the map list - this is your warmup map.

10. In UT console login as admin

11. type:
admin set LeagueASXXX.LeagueAssault TeamNameRed CLANNAME
admin set LeagueASXXX.LeagueAssault TeamNameBlue CLANNAME
admin set LeagueASXXX.LeagueAssault MatchPasswordRed PASSWORD
admin set LeagueASXXX.LeagueAssault MatchPasswordBlue PASSWORD
admin startmatch

XXX is your verison of LeagueAS
PASSWORD should be supplied/given by/to the relevant clan.
The game password (set in 3) should not be told to anyone.

[Disclaimer: It's been a while since I set one up :P]
i made one (in fact 3) txt files that one can edit according to the needed options of the match and just execute in the console
they will set up the server from within the console

is any1 interested?

i also can write a lill text about what the files do
although that is pretty obvious, some aak-ppl ( *cough* katsch *cough* ) dunno how to use them :rolleyes:

edit: forgot that i dunno how to make a maplist from within the console - you'll need webadmin for that i think
notice that you have to change the "130" to the version, which is installed on the server
and you have to enter the maplist through webadmin (twice-played maps to the beginning and then the maps that are played once.
the last map in the mapcycle is the warmupmap [important later] )

1st file: match.txt

- [your normal adminpassword hast to be entered]
- [the only changes, you have to make here, are the clans' passwords and names]

adminlogin <<your.servers.adminpass>>
say switching to "AS-Match"

admin set engine.gameinfo maxspectators 0
admin set engine.gameinfo maxplayers 12
admin set engine.gameinfo gamepassword admin
echo Non-Team-Password changed to "admin"

admin set botpack.Assault bplayersbalanceteams false
admin set Botpack.Assault FriendlyFireScale 0
admin set Botpack.Assault bMultiWeaponStay true
admin set botpack.Assault btournament true
admin set botpack.Assault Netwait 60

admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault bEnableCSHP true
admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault bAutoPausing false
admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault MaxPauseTime 180
admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault bStandardise true
admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault bAttackOnly false
admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault MatchLength 14
admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault FirstMapStartTime 300
admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault SubsequentMapStartTime 60
admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault bNoTeamChanges true
admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault FriendlyFireScale 0.000000


admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault MatchPasswordRed <<others' pw>>
admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault MatchPasswordBlue <<yourmatchpw>>
admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault TeamNameBlue <<yourclanname>>
admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault TeamNameRed <<others>>


echo reconnect with PW: "admin"
echo then: "exec start.txt"

admin servertravel AS-Lavafort][.unr?game=LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault?Mutator=

- [now the server has all settings for the match. it will be started in the next file]

2nd file: start.txt

- [once again also your servers adminpassword has to be entered]
- [the warmupmap has to be entered here before executing the file - don't forget to save the file and then exec it in the console]

- [maybe you won't understand, what that "1stwoggle" and "2ndwoggle" is for-

i entered it, because
- i don't want any1 to login as an admin during the match to avoid flaming
- so i can avoid executing the "start.txt" or "match.txt" again and fucking up the server. if that happens accidently (by using the console history with up and down arrowkeys) , the server will have a different adminpassword, the stuff won't be executed and the match keeps running.
you can also leave that out and just restart your UT (for a clear console-history) - but once again - be careful and do not bind the .txt files to buttons on your [edit] keyboard [/edit].]

- [you can enter anything you want for 1stwoggle and 2ndwoggle
just don't forget to enter it in "end.txt" too]

- [the 2ndwoggle (gamepassword) should be kept in to avoid bad surprises - although i don't know exactly whether it is possible to log in with the normal server password (not the red and not the blue password) during a running match. if not, then you can leave that one out too) ]

2nd file: start.txt
adminlogin <<your.servers.adminpass>>

admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault FirstMapStartTime 300

admin set engine.gameinfo AdminPassword 1stwoggle
admin set engine.gameinfo gamepassword 2ndwoggle

switchlevel as-rook

admin set LeagueAS130.LeagueAssault FirstMapStartTime 300

admin startmatch


- [i put the firstmapstarttime in again because sometimes that time was only 1minute - dunno why - so i put it in some more times :D ]

- [the match is started now - all ppl can connect - when it is over, you can end the whole thing with: ]

3rd file: end.txt
adminlogin 1stwoggle

say -=Taki=- a.k.a -=Hardcore=- rulez !!! :D

admin endmatch

admin set engine.gameinfo gamepassword <<your.normal.pass>>
admin set engine.gameinfo AdminPassword <<your.normal.adminpass>>


sry for my bad explanation-skills

[Edit by CS: Pause time is 180 not 60, as default]
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np :)

i hope it works
if there are probs - just post them here (if thats okay with CS)

however those files are far from perfect
any changes and suggestions by phear/CS/brave etc are welcome :)
hmmm i tried to set server with 130 version. It works fine with cs's commands and als with taki's files but it seems like we got some bugs or...dunno!?

- we dont hear our own weapons
- cannot zoom with sniper

?? whats that
uhm? no clue...
the only thing i could imagine is that you run utpure and leagueAS's CSHP together and they don't like each other

if u got utpure running - turn it off in leagueAS games

no idea actually...
hmm, that might take a while, we got no ftp access to our server but have to write an email to "clanzone" So it might get difficult to play the standard IDC match at 27th, 22 GMT on it. uhmmm the other servers r booked that time :rolleyes:

anyone can help? lol
i tried it with league as 124, its also installed on server and it works now. So we will play with 124 against idc today. I hope it also works with the new 134b which will b installed soon... :confused:
what a day...we played SAS on server 3 yesterday 20 gmt, at 20:30 utpure was deleted on our server, so we could manage to play the idc match at 22:00 lol

thx 4 your help, now everything works ;)

ut pure sux:P
Is there a way to end a match very fast? For example if u made a mistake with the passwords or the clan names or sth like that, that u can enter "admin endmatch" and dont have to wait the last map passing. Rebooting the uta mod in webadmin doesnt help. Is there a command like: admin set timespeed xx that time runs faster? :)
hi, i have the server config text files, but the exec start.txt command failes to find the file. Where do I place the files?
I have them placed in the system directory on the server and locally, but the same result.