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I'm old enough so age wise I qualify. But in my mind? Dunno, Hec you think my mind is dirty enuf? I don't mind a very offensive rant about them useless youths. Them know-alls but done nuttings. But not today.
I can't make that decision HG. You're either that man or you're not. Look inside yourself. Feel the force, etc, etc.
Originally posted by Hector
I can't make that decision HG. You're either that man or you're not. Look inside yourself. Feel the force, etc, etc.

I had a good look inside with the help of some medical equipment. X-ray did not disclose anything I did not know already, echo and stuff was fine. The nurse btw was stunning. Psycho therapy... well I've got a dirty mind, obsessive compulsive about gaming, heavy drinking and women. The shrink (wot a babe btw) was particularly interested in the way we do a lot of our launching and stuff (some retro anal fixation she said). But nothing much to worry about, except my fixation with small yellow birds. She recommended some further exploration in that area because she suspects it must have to do with some early childhood projection of something traumatic which I try to suppress by linking it to something that seems innocent but could trigger some potential violent behaviour. So petshops are off-limit for the time being. I think I felt the force with both the nurse and the shrink. It was a very powerful experience (both agreed on that one. Like they said: nothing beats experience dirty old man :D )

So Hec, you think I am the right OAP-material?

(have to recover for a month or so, hospital visits like that wears me kinda out nowadays :naughty: I applied for home-care ;) )
Originally posted by Happy_Guy

So Hec, you think I am the right OAP-material?

Hmmm...tricky one that. My initial thoughts are that barely-contained pychoses aren't presently among the automatic entry qualifications to UtoaP.

I would really like to thrash it out with your doc and therapist- very much so in fact. But the crime is that I don't have time. So...are you over 30 and do you want a number? If yes, then yes. That makes it nice and simple.

Good news everybody! UtoaP is moving to assault.net when my hangover clears!

- Thanks Phear.
Cheers guys,

and if you've anything co contribute in the waty of demos and screenies let me know...My hands have been kind of full learning this html malarkey without considering content as well.

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