Newbie here! Wan't to say hi!

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Czesc, jestes polak ? Jesli jestes merk-account to spierdalaj :D And if youre not polish then the league doesnt need another "Scarab" - next thing i see this guy joining -=[23]=- and MoD :teehee:
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ahh tak widze ze jestes polak, ale wygloda nato ze niejestes merk-account z mojego punktu widzenia :| - pograj zemna :bounce:
lo Zimo :wave:, welcome to uta (Ur Totally Arsed).

some forum and league rules:
1) huge LOL-binds are very popular these days, so use them as often as possible
2) The usage of UT related words (like mercer, slider, botter) on a public server shows that you are a good player
3) Farac eats lonely ut-newbies, just avoid him
Bart said:
lo Zimo :wave:, welcome to uta (Ur Totally Arsed).

some forum and league rules:
1) huge LOL-binds are very popular these days, so use them as often as possible
2) The usage of UT related words (like mercer, slider, botter) on a public server shows that you are a good player
3) Farac eats lonely ut-newbies, just avoid him
4) Canedian's smell.
sneez said:
Isnt Krakow in former russia or something?:P
No it isn't :p that would be Kalingrad (st.petersburg)

AnTi said:
Well say something in polish and then say where exacly you live then i can say ur ok :P

@ sneez no it was not :P (i think) im from krakow as well x,x

Oczywi?cie ?e jestem z Krakowa :) dok?adnie z Mistrzejowic -> tysi?clecia fajna okolica ^^

F@TBOY said:
Ive got a friend who lived in poland in krakow recently moved to the Uk

And if u where really polish then you would call it krakovia ( thats what the polish call it )

Maybe im wrong be hey nevermind :)

Krakovia - rather Cracovia it's a team but more important it's Kraków written in jewish language because it's a ?ydowski klub

xb7 said:
i enjoy paranoia, don't u too?

and indeed u're wrong fatboy lmao, zima666 spelled it correctly

Indeed, just If any1 of you are Danish then you should read a famous Danish book - "A bitch from Krakow" ^^ (My friend from Danmark have told me about it :p )
AnTi said:
kracovia its a polish football club :P

Yes, it is. But not a very good one in terms of playing lately, and the've got some major financial problems. Ale za to ich bojówka jest jedn? z mocniejszych :) (their fans are best "other fans killaz" ^^) Tak jak sharksi z Wis?y :)

Turha. said:
And "Krakovan Makkara" is a second class sausage :thumb: goes well with third :beer:

Never heard of :/

-AmaZ- said:
Czesc, jestes polak ? Jesli jestes merk-account to spierdalaj :D And if youre not polish then the league doesnt need another "Scarab" - next thing i see this guy joining -=[23]=- and MoD :teehee:

nie nie mam zamiaru spierdala?, nie jestem merc i nie ssam te? pisiora :flack:

-AmaZ- said:
ahh tak widze ze jestes polak, ale wygloda nato ze niejestes merk-account z mojego punktu widzenia :| - pograj zemna :bounce:

z ch?ci? z tob? pogram :p a sk?d znasz polski? Te? ?e? polak czy raczej szybko si? uczysz?
Farac|ÐÏ˧ËL said:
Pocaluj mnie w dupe AnTi :footy:
AnTi smierdzi :x

Dobrze ?e nie jest pierdolonym matkojebc? i nie obrabia rowów w jakim? kurwido?ku :) (no offense :p just a show off that I'm a reall polak :) )

Bart said:
lo Zimo :wave:, welcome to uta (Ur Totally Arsed).

some forum and league rules:
1) huge LOL-binds are very popular these days, so use them as often as possible
2) The usage of UT related words (like mercer, slider, botter) on a public server shows that you are a good player
3) Farac eats lonely ut-newbies, just avoid him

Thx for enlightening me, ale i tak dam sobie rad? ]:->

sneez said:
4) Canedian's smell.


Nanko said:
U came to the right league! :D

welcome anyway :wave:,

Konnichiwa, domo arigato!