LMAO I am so stupid

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Mi6 Hades

LMAO at how stupid and ridiculous I am. I have no life, I have no UT skillz so instead I must throw wild accusations around to draw attention to myself. It is plainly obvious -=]NRG[=- have rigged the league because since it was formed by Phear almost a year ago -=]NRG[=- have finished league champions a grand total of 0 months over the year. If that doesn't show true league rigging then I don't know what does.

Still my UT career shows that I am one to be reakoned with. After virtually destroying Mi6 I chose to leave the Assault scene, giving the then new spawn camping rule as my reasons for wanting to go as I believe it made matches gay (although I now advocate spawn camping). Anyway I disappeared for a while and came back as part of a new clan )FJS(. However after a few matches I decided that )FJS( were just too damn good for me, so I've returned to Mi6 to try and destroy it once more.

Thank you for listening to my garbled bollox, I will be sure to spout even more in the near future!

[edited by a League Adminstrator, in the mood for abusing his powers to get back at a guy who has all the intelligence of a single cell amoeba, and decides to use all that intelligence to get at -=]NRG[=- and more specifically me]
Re: lmao

If it was NRG then I doubt Diamond(Maily) would have posted it, maybe ur just making up bullshit again
Re: lmao

Damn it.......that thread was deleted ? That was funny as hell !

Hades you pringle........if it is such a 'biased' league, that must be why we win it so often ?


Re: lmao

It was basically a thread of people telling Hades what a plank he is.......it was very funny........although we were telling him nothing he didn't already know :lol:

To the hidious Creature

Diamond is the House

Hey Hidious Creature

Your lame advertising message has firmly convinced me to ignore you. I think u are just trying to show ur superiour stupidity.

Well if u want to improve yourself and give some of us a pease of mind I suggest you verify the effect of gravity by jumping from the nearest bridge. And if u dont know what a bridge is u can always jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor.

I would cream you any day u piece of @#%$.

And lastly
Do us all a favor and crawl into some industrial machinery.


I really pity your dog
just testing ->

Ahh thats the good stuff (whoops just been playing StarCraft if you did not figure that out)
Re: lol

just goes to show how crap NRG are, they rig the league and still cant get ontop