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AcidSlam said:
Yea sorry, didnt realise your utv has the filename of elflite triggerbot my mistake. Obviously you are naive otherwise you wouldnt have posted that load of shit ive just quoted. Common sense (if u possess any that is) would tell you a package called UTV.u which matches the filesize etc of the real UTV is not a cheat, however a file with the name of a triggerbot and the same size etc is obviously not UTV etc but infact a cheat.... which is what this guy has been caught with.
if i remember correctly the first attempts of running leagueAS and Pure together ended up with both codes detecting the other as a cheat/hack, you wouldnt call them hacks either would you?

AcidSlam said:
Big quote here im only interested in the "has ne1 been banned elsewhere from a uta ban?" bit. Simple answer no... bacause the uta league refuses to make the information public which lets any cheating idiot make an easy comeback. And a witchhunt? they are cheaters why should they be allowed back into the gaming communities? its as good as turning a blind eye imo.
i think acid has a point here, someone who cheats shouldnt get a second chance. its the worst thing you can do in an online game. and some few months of ban without it being announced to the public is far less of a deter than a lifetime ban. think of all the people who install a bot or a cheat for a laugh, they will think twice about it if the punishement is stricter.

as you can see im not trying to take side here since i dont know anything about what happened (apart from what i read here) and since i dont really know much about the people who are involved, i only wanted to state my view on these 2 points.
so ur saying that a fix that was put into a piece of software the day before, couldnt possibly have a fault in it that would show up a bad warning? i heard this 1 before both at work and in ut community, nothing can be fully tested until it been in public domain for a while, specially somethign that has to cope with the number of ut mods out there.

Ur main proof is saying that it logged files called elfbot etc, however thats the program telling u that, if there was a bug that caused a false report then those files wont exist, already been said, however was answered with something along lines of... yes, but the program said they were there. And bugs similar to this have cropped up before, like ppl been kicked for botting when they open server browser with leagueas installed even tho they had no bots, that was logged as a cheat in server logs. Ever considered if he having problems with a corrupt harddrive it may be that a file got corrupted so it reporting wrong size, and therefore confusing anticheat?

this is aimed at acid btw who kinda just looks like a kid trying to make trouble from here. I seen ck play from behind etc, he dont need a bot, he aint stupid enuf to get caught with a bot on a server even if he had one.
Finally some1 who goes deeper into what I have been saying for ages.

So should more assault players go to a server of that kind and see what happens? or then we all gonna get banned? lol

I know we all have to put our faith into these anticheat progs, as it's all we have in the fight against gaming cheats. However, the fact is they do have the capacity to make the odd mistake, especially when they are new and haven't been tested properly.

Sooo... perhaps people like acid might wait a few days and see if anything more comes up before labelling someone something they aren't. It wouldn't be the first time he's done this. :rolleyes:
Despise said:
omg its a fucking game. what u want ppl to do? that they get the ip and go hack the guy/girl coz he cheated in a fake world? lmfao, not that I agree with cheaters. but that makes u just as worse as the cheaters. and the admins prolly have the info saved anyway.

so we should ban u to forever as u admitted to ''netspeedlaming'' blablabla lol

but u dont agree with that prolly.
Ban me, your obviously too ignorant or incapable of thinking what i admitted to over for a moment and then posting something sensible. I said i changed my netspeed, tell me where i said i cheated? for it to be effective it would have to be lower than 2600 (which give unplayable frame rates, well for me anyway as i keep it capped). If i recall correctly i tried 5, 6 and 7000.... a lot of people in UTA play with less than that all of the time (Paa infact uses 5500 netspeed all the time, to which a lot of ppl (inc us) whine at him about).

And no i dont expect u to go hacking them etc u moron. I expect people to be informed of who has been caught so as many people as possible know not to have him in there clan.

*** edited a few major typos lol ***
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How small of a person are you Acid, Paa we knew about but fs another one you must be related.

You two are the sort of people who thought having a low ping was lame before you got one, and now high pingers are lame because they lag, and anyone with a better PC than you is a "noob" fs grow up.
Ah fuck it, being out of this is boring me, might as well jump in here before the thread is closed innit :bah:

gloves off:

First off, what kind of IT knowledge do you really have Acid? Do you proffesionally work with computers? Have you any programming(no I don't mean scripting) experience, have you any security training experience, do you even know how your computer works? Cuz seriously I am questioning you ability to understand and appreciate the complexity and the insecurities involved in running a computer attached to an open network, on a insecure platform, playing old games, monitored by 3rd party part time developed serverside security / cheat protection... Cuz if you did, you wouldn't categorily dismiss the idea that someone COULD concievably be caught cheating in said scenario and actually be completely unknowing, or hell, maybe even, dare I say it: innocent?

I wonder if you approac real life scenarios with same ignorance, everytime you read an article in the newspaper(provided you have the cognitive abilities ofcourse), about someone charged for a crime, do you assume them guilty?

There's very little I can say to convince you about the CK I know, I have met him, talked to him regulairly for some 3 years, you have not.

I would never dismiss the posibility of anyone cheating, I know I would never do it, but I don't expect anyone to categorically dismiss I ever would. Still I find it very unlikely that ck did, but thats just my personal opinion, however I'd never have the arrogance to stand up and act the righteous twat you're doing in these threads, ffs get a grip you little twat, I have never once seen you post in the non-ut forums before, and as soon as you somehow hear about this post, you're all fucking over it, what the fuck are you anyway? :bah:
first thing

soz acid for draggin that old netspeed backup, i was pissed off and wasnt thinking stright (not enough drugs) and it has nowt to do with this

2nd can we get back on topic and help ck fix his install/pc

3rd pls no more name calling and finger pointing its getting nowhere fast without a clear cut demo there always room for some mistake to be made by any software check.
AcidSlam said:
Ban me, your obviously too ignorant or incapable of thinking what i admitted to over for a moment and then posting something sensible. If said i changed my netspeed, tell me where i said i cheated? for it to be effective it would have to be lower than 2600 (which give unplayable frame rates, well for me anyway as i keep it capped). If i recall correctly i tried 5, 6 and 7000.... all of people in UTA play with less than that all of the time (Paa infact uses 5500 netspeed all the time, to which a lot of ppl (inc us) whine at him about).

And no i dont expect u to go hacking them etc u moron. I expect people to be informed of who has been caught so as many people as possible know not to have him in there clan.

Blame me, its u who posted it lol

netspeed cheating is having binds to do it on the fly for crucial moments to lag through a defence (or it was used by a few ppl in ictf when they had picked the flag up to make there getaway) and then its put back to normal once there objective whatever it be is completed. This is done hundreds of times in a 20 minutes game, hardly comparable to 3 times in 2 hours now is it?

for it to be effective it would have to be lower than 2600 (which give unplayable frame rates, well for me anyway as i keep it capped).

It is meant to lag aint it, well that aint playable, aint that meant to happen if u wanne do that slliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiideeeeee. yup i may be incapable of thinking, but atleast I know what i am typing :P
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