full demo leaked?

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Just played a bit more now and really there's no good indication that you're getting hit and how bad it can be. Have to look @ the health status to even get an idea.. :nono:

anywayz behold my fps: (1024x768 full details on Athlon XP 1900+ and GF4 Ti4400)


  • fps.jpg
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@ 1024 all max I get 30 to 50 avg
@ 640 all max I get 80+ avg

thats on CTF-Maul, PC specs to the left
i play with screen flashes off in UT anyway so im used to lookin at the health as for FPS

fps 40 at best

on some like December it would drop to 10-12 ;(



once you have played all the maps theres 3 - 4 that stand out the rest just get samey TECHNOLGICAL TERROR its all a bit industrial tbh i love the few maps that are bassed round other theams and theres one industrial map thats very smart BUT industial maps got a bit boring and ive only been playing it for a day lol

double dom is shite tbh why ohhh why did they choose that over Asssult is beyond me its really crap and if you wanna play insta on it FORGET IT

Bombing run IS very smart tho only played it for about 2 hours tonight but it was really good shooing the balla round and passing and stuff ;)

so thats my first verdict ill be playing more tommorow :)
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i play with screen flashes off in UT too, but when you get hit you can hear and feel it cos the screen shakes ever so slightly, so i know ive been hit, then i take a quick glace at health so i know what gun has hit me, 33 = sniper, 40 = shock 0 = deemer <-- cunt etc

ill probably download this trial soonish :P

but if its all gonna be industrial style maps im gonna be a bit pissed off, cos i fuckin hate em!

and someone had better make a good deck for ut2k3 too ;)
infinitegames will make the game perfect. new models new maps :P to give the UT feeling back

won't they? :D
I don't think that the weapons are off scale.

I didn't mean once you picked them up, they are a totally different scale once held, I meant the pickups themselves, as in when they are still on the floor. Stand next to one, like the SR for example, then go third person and you'll see what I mean.

Who said Q3 is a bad game?
The Unreal engine was so old and crap compared to Q3 one that was far superior, now it can actually do more then that with gfx at highest level its easy to compare it to Q3 couse its the closest one looking.

I didn't say Q3 wasn't a bad game, its a matter of taste. Yeah the old Unreal Engine was crap, I have always said the Quake Engine was better but that UT as a game was better. Now they've gone and changed that. Epic have developed a great engine, but DE have made a mockery of the content. Epic should have done UT2003, not DE, looking at Unreal II it looks a lot better than UT2003 IMHO, even playing the alpha the 2-3 weapons and skins that were working looked and felt a lot better than the UT2003 ones do. Sad thing is, U2 is gonna be single player only :(

UT2003 opens the potential for some great mods tho, like UnF etc which replace the weapons and skins, I think the mod community could really create some great games with UT2003.

In short, fantastic engine, bollox content. Of course, thats just my opinion :D
I dont have screen flashes on in UT either. But as Uzi says in UT you'll notice when you get hit. I think that's gone in UT2003. There you'll just continue your picnic as if nothing was happening. :D
nice maps, thats true
but why they made no Deck16 :(
much better then that beta crap thingy :p:
bombing run is nice :thumb:
here some shots
CS: i counted 42 maps, but i could be wrong.

Phear : Wouldnt u expect the feel of the game to be very dif from the first UT?after all its way beyond the UT technology.What do u miss? the game speed of UT?

the shock rifle is the only thing which jumps out imo, but only spammy shockwhores care about that, personaly i like comboing ppl up close and personal, so it doesnt effect my style.

who cares if they r over scaled, saves u having to go on a item hunt when u need a spiffy gun, i simply see it a icon to display which gun can be collected at this station. Its not a TO\CS type game after all.

What i really miss is a propper cpu and gfx:cry::(
im willing to bet there will b a aimbot for Ut2k3 before the retail game is in the store
I don't like that there are no team skins anymore, just 2 light on your shoulders in the colour of your team. Not good. It's very hard to make out if its a teammate or not.

Weapons on the ground are indeed off scale.

Rocket Launcher is too good imo. The goo gun has no purpose at all. Flack is even more powerfull in close/midrange. I still have no dynamic light from the shock ball. Lightning Gun is pretty cool. Ion Cannon, too.

Maps are truly gorgeous. DM-Phobos2 :eek:

I think they overdid it with the geometry though. It doesn't run good enough imo to justify modelling every bolt on the walls. There is so much geometry that it's hard to make out the models.
Downing the resolution and disabling everything doesn't still result in decent framerates. I doubt that there is much left to optimize.

Weapon sound and announcer voice are lacking in power.
Shock Rifle sounds like a subway train door and the announcer says monsterkill as if there was nothing that bored him more in the world. Sprees are not in so far.

I know it's still not finalized, let's wait and see.
Much as we're all waiting for the game, and in most cases looking forward to it, posting screenshots which can only have come from leaked copies of the game is still a violation of copyright.

This means what you are doing is norty and you could end up in the pokey getting poked by your cellmate, or fined lots of money if Epic/De/Infogrames decided to chase your ass (unlikely as this may be). More likely, they will instead pursue the people who host these forums and shut them down, which none of us want.

If you really must post/trade this stuff, please do it privately, and not on the public forums...

I don't like that there are no team skins anymore, just 2 light on your shoulders in the colour of your team. Not good. It's very hard to make out if its a teammate or not.
Not only bad.. outrageously bad. :shout: Taking into account all the fancy glowing stuff flying around only makes it worse.
Hope they change that..

There is so much geometry that it's hard to make out the models.
True True :nod:
"I don't like that there are no team skins anymore, just 2 light on your shoulders in the colour of your team. Not good. It's very hard to make out if its a teammate or not. "

This isnt a problem ask Dog:D i shoot anyting that moves, if it dies slow its a team m8, if it dies fast its a nme:)

kidding aside, the team colour thing isnt so bad, ive played alot of TO and its the same there, just takes getting used to.Im sure ull come to like it, after all it just makes the game harder which is sorely needed as any1 whos played div1 in the UTA knows.

Im gonna return to a lueague system with this new piece of candy(when i get a pc upgrade mind, it chugs like fuck for me on some maps:lol:)

when u play a game aslong as we have played UT theres bound to be ALOT of personal views, only having played the game online on propper servers for a couple of weeks will put things in a clear light.....hint hint.
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