DM is lame.

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The all powerful W|G!
May 27, 2001
Birmingham, UK
maybe people would play BR if t hey had dropped the goddamn ultra-lama transloc ffs
Eh Nutzor, get the full game and check out the br maps, without t-loc no1 would play BR.
CliffyB was being sarcastic btw.

And dont pay much attention to those gamespy stats, so few ppl play first person shooters nowadays those numbers fluctuate all the time, the only one that stays at the top is Halflife/Counterstrike.
CliffyB was being sarcastic btw.

To an extent maybe, but it will still a ridiculous comment.

Eh Nutzor, get the full game and check out the br maps, without t-loc no1 would play BR.

Perhaps, but don't you think that shows a floor in design that a transloc is required to make the game playable. Would it not have been better to not include the transloc and make the maps for that type of play. Just a thought. Remember they designed the whole game, they didn't have any restrictions that custom mappers do etc.

And dont pay much attention to those gamespy stats, so few ppl play first person shooters nowadays those numbers fluctuate all the time, the only one that stays at the top is Halflife/Counterstrike.

Well sure they fluctuate, but they give a good indication of the popularity of a game. At this very moment UT2003 isn't even on the table, bottom of the pile is Tribes 2 with "613 players", so UT2003 has less than that even. Even the BF1942 demo (1 level) rates higher.
You could argue that UT2003 hasn't been out long enuf to be high in the ranking, still I seem to recall RTCW eclipsing both Q3 and UT within a week of its release :\

Its no secret I'm not a fan of UT2003, but I have to be honest I expected it to do better than it has. I figured it would appeal to the hardcore DM'ers and Quake 3 players, and I think thats what they had hoped to do too. It appears that may have been a bet they're gonna turn out to lose.

I guess that the high hardware requirements are a contributing factor too.
all that is said about the maps is sooo true the dm maps are too big or u have like an alley to frag in , im allways happy to get a flak :lol:

and the ctf maps are imo 2 small...

but what a cunt to say those things :lol:
not seen one bombing run map that dont play ok without the trans yes even skyline its got jump pads so trans still anit needed, there are a few non trans br servers out there and they 10x more fun than the ones with the trans
I guess that the high hardware requirements are a contributing factor too.

This is probably true, i suspect a lot of ppl with slower computers have all but given up trying to play online due poor performance/framerate etc.
BR aint that diffrent from CTF.
Both suck without translocator imo.
Only ppl that suck with t-loc whine bout it :D
No, I can use it just fine. What bothers me about the translocator is the 10 times you need to kill the same defenders to make it out of the base once you have fought (or trans'ed) your way into the base and then have to fight your way back out again, be it BR or CTF.

Imagine the defenders having a translocator in Assault and the attackers not, which is almost the same....almost. That would blow goats, how many times would you need to kill the same people. It's one of the things I like about Assault, with the exception of a feew maps you only need to kill a defender once, maybe twice to get past him.

CTF and BR you kill a guy and then 10 seconds later (especially with the new flag and ball radars) he's got a big gun again and on your ass, so you kill him again, only to find him on your ass again 20 secounds later.

That's what pisses me off about it, not the fact that I can't use it and not the fact that some maps requie it, coz they don't, not even BR-Skyline.
I guess that the high hardware requirements are a contributing factor too.

i don't have minimal specs, i got GF II and amd 850 and i didn't like the performance of the demo (steady 20 fps)

i ain't buying the game before buying a new gfx card (and preferably a faster CPU) and that might take a while since i'm currently permanently "in between" jobs (studying though :fingers: )

edit: UT2003 is currently higher up in the ranks and i think one of the reasons of not soo many people playing it right now are the anti-copy keys and the fact the game is 50 euro's

i bet if people could copy the game much more people would be playing it...
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I dont think I will ever play and enjoy a gamemode which has the translocator enabled for the reasons that Goose stated :x
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