anti war demonstration

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Originally posted by Plonko

Just self opinionated people who make snap judgements without all that much reasoning.

Your average joe in the street then eh?
Open your eyes. Look beyond the "BS" that is fed to you in the press. Look where your tax dollars are spent.

The American Government HAVE armed the fucking world. FACT.
The American Government DO kill innocents and profit from it.
The American Government DO monitor, direct and alter if necessary, any Anti-American sentiment in films about war.

er DT u said...........
The slaughter of innocents in Iraq is happening right now & will continue to do so every single day that that man remains in power.

Tbh I dont know what to think about this possible conflict but 1 thing is certain in my mind. The ppl of Iraq have surely suffered enough at the hands of their `glorious' leader.

I don't disagree with the fact that this man is a tyrant.
But as I said he is no worse than Bush or his flunkies.
I think Thur is right, sometimes armed conflict is inevitable and as much wailing and gnashing of teeth as goes on, we won't stop it.
And there will doubtless be no peaceful resolution.

Point I was trying to make is that our leaders are every bit as corrupt and evil as Saddam.
BB you're so full of shit it isn't funny, I'd like you to show us where you go these "facts" from.

I will agree that the US has armed some nations, but your statement that we armed the world is BS. What has/was France and USSR doing? Why do you thing Iraq owes the old USSR $30 billion? They also owe France but I don't remember the amount.

As for the movie shit, we did do that about 50 years ago but some thing like that wouldn't be posable today.
Yeah France and USSR 2.
But they don't come accross as being so self-righteous.
And the film shit not possible today?
Black Hawk Down? recent enough for ya?
The Military loaned ALL the weapons, planes, uniforms and vehicles-in return they CHANGED the end of the film.
Not bullshit. It happens.

suck it down
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So you went from a statement of absolute power over movies to some thing along the lines of a cost savings choice. The Army didn’t like the end of the movie so they gave the producer a choice. Change the movie or get the equipment from somewhere else. The producer knowing that it would add to much expense to the movie if they got the equipment from somewhere else decided to go the cheaper route.
Jesus. Open your eyes.
Your government is corrupt.
Murderers and Liars.
That page was one search-1st hit.
There are thousands of examples out there of how corrupt the American goverment is. This "War on Terrorism" is a sham.
Go read. Go educate yourself.

Your choice. Or eat cheeseburgers, watch Pop Idol and grow old in blissfull ignorance.
the balance is between... when do we intervene in a country where the population is being surpressed?

when should a leader be "removed"? when it threathens the world? or just their civilians? how do we leave the country when the dictator is gone? is it even possible to remove the leader? how many people's lives would be lost? who are you to intervene, when your own sheet isn't clean as well?

all these questions should be answered before attacking a country... does saddam threathen the world? i guess so, for giving shelter to terrorists.. who goes in then? the USA? imo the USA shouldn't try changin the world on their own, so the UN should have the last word in this... how would you remove saddam? he's behind 10 meters of concrete in a city with millions and millions of people in it, guarded by 26000 elite soldiers.. you ain't gettin him out by asking nicely, but at the costs of 1000's of soldiers and civilians..

hard to decide on this...
I’m sorry, I forgot that all Americans are lowlife scums that want to rule to world and then destroy it. I would rather live my life like I’m doing now then to go through life paranoid about on what other countries are doing.
Originally posted by BBStr@nge
And the film shit not possible today?
Black Hawk Down? recent enough for ya?
The Military loaned ALL the weapons, planes, uniforms and vehicles-in return they CHANGED the end of the film.

Or that film "U571" which tried to make out the Americans were the ones who cracked the nazi's ENIGMA code? Yeh right. Anyone who actually opens a history book will see that the UK did it, with no help from the Americans. We even shared the intelligence from it with them and at first, they ignored it. What happened? Their shipping got hammered until they listened to us.

If Hollywood films were to be believed, America single handedly won the First and Second World Wars, invented the atom bomb, penicillin, jet engines, radio, TV, computers, radar, sonar, rocketry blablablablabla.

This would all be so laughably transparent, were it not for the fact that so many people never bother to question what they see, or what they are told, or bother to read books.

So BB has a point smartass...

When will the Americans learn that the Brits simply do it better? Every American special force which has ever been formed, and every op they carried out, has all been to try and upstage the SAS storming the Iranian Embassy. They aint managed it yet, and they never will.

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Originally posted by BBStr@nge
I don't disagree with the fact that this man is a tyrant.
But as I said he is no worse than Bush or his flunkies.
Theres a massive difference. Saddams involvement in the murder of innocent ppl is direct where as any deaths resulting from American foreign policies are indirect. Bush wouldnt & couldnt personally order the gassing of an entire town where as Saddam can & has done so in the blink of an eye.

American foreign policy isnt directed by the President...its US industry that does that and its the same in all developed countries...America just happens to be the `best' at it :x

Saddam is evil but Bush is a 15" black rubber cock. Its the ppl in certain areas of US industry that are the real danger...and they are `invisible'.
Not saying that all Americans are low-life scum Smartass.
Just the American government-and ours- are so fucking corrupt.

It's hard to believe that so many people are hoodwinked into believing their bullshit.
I cant believe how blatantly the American government lie to their people. What's really sad is how many believe it.
And as with the cold war (which was prolonged for financial reasons) this military conflict will run and run.

You live there Smartass. Dare people speak out against the Government on terrorism? Didn't GWB and CP give you a choice?
With us or against us?
I don't give a shit what anyone thinks about the movies, what pissed me off was this....

This justification is bollox imo-the American government kills millions each year

and now this....

Your government is corrupt.
Murderers and Liars.
I chose GW as the mouthpiece DT.
I totally agree.
I believe that when they elect a new president, he is shown into a smoky room. This room is full of industrialists. He is shown a clip of the Kennedy assasination from an angle never seen before.
After the film has stopped, he is asked "Any Questions"?
And he replies "Yeah, er just what my policies are".

Courtesy - Bill Hicks.
Squeegee that third eye.
Dare people speak out against the Government on terrorism?

Yep, every day you see someone voicing their opinion against it.
Show me the damn truth, you showed some BS about movies I want to see how we are killing millions of people every year.
Originally posted by Thuringwethil

If Hollywood films were to be believed, America single handedly won the First and Second World Wars, invented the atom bomb, penicillin, jet engines, radio, TV, computers, radar, sonar, rocketry blablablablabla.
`America leading industry, America most profitable business is still the manufacture, packaging, distribution & marketing of bullshit. High quality, grade A, prime cut, pure American bullshit'

George Carlin
Show you the damn truth?
Do you want to see it?
Regardless of what I show you, would it make any difference to how you feel?

You could start to look for yourself m8.
Look at any American publication that is not directly or indirectly funded by the American government. There are loads of examples on the net.
At the end of day you evolve ideas based on what you know.
Maybe if I along with many others in this country, got up bought one of the government funded papers and swallowed the lies they spread, I could just go about my day, feeling safe in the knowledge that my country loves me and go home, eat my micro chips and watch Coronation Street.
Fuck that banality. We are being lied to every day.
Your choice if you believe it or not.
It's not paranoia or conspiracy theory-its fact.
BB what shape is the earth?

Your answer will obviously be spherical.

How do you know that? You've seen pictures, your teachers told you at shool, but have YOU actually seen the earth from space to know for certain that it is spherical? Of course you haven't. You trust the sources you've seen, read and heard, but those sources could easily be a lying.

People believe what they are told based on their own experiences, and wether or not they trust the source. People believe what the government and the press tell them, because they have no reason to doubt them. You believe what you have read about government corruption because YOU trust the sources you've read, seen and heard.

Unless you have experienced these murders and corruption for yourself (which I doubt you have) then you cannot say they are true. Maybe you have witnessed things which make you doubt the government(s) and what they say, make you believe they are corrupt, but that does not mean that they are to extent you believe they are.

Let evidence and argument sway your opinion, but make up your own mind, and always keep it as open as possible and as Agent Mulder would say, trust no one.

(btw that last bit is not directed at you BB, just ppl in general)