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i first must setup my second PC and install a "clear" UT on it...

a teacher of me said, that my rendering problems can come from my 3.4 GB UT.....

(perhaps the engine of UT workes not fine with the ED...)

crashsite is still on my mind !!!

...but the girl on my mind is a bit more important 4 me ! (at the moment...)

...hope u understand that
:D :D :D

crashsite will come;)
What Bahamut is trying to say is: We'll take the girl off your hands, just so you can get on with the map ;) Aren't we good friends for you??!! :D:p:
it takes a bit time...i´m still a n00b with the ED
and it´s not easy 2 translate that technical stuff.....4 a german with a sucking english........
Of course, we'd all be stuck if we had to translate from German... :D

.oO( der rosafarbene vanillepudding explodierte??? )