XConsole 2.85

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HeadCase said:
Would it be helpful if the last admin pass used was remembered in the ini, and then auto set in the admin box?

Could put that in next version

Would be nice, thanks. Btw, you may want to also include an admin button to become invisable since I find monsters don't sense you when you're summoning them up (while going backwards/away from them). ;)
Yes it does when I tried it out...they don't see you unless you make your presence know by shooting at them or invading 'their space' (a very close fly-by). I also just realized that a moderater would need to also be able to use it with the pw they got too. For now it's only admin, so if you can added that in to the next one, that'll be great! :thumb:
Mods can log in on the LeagueAS tab and kick from there plus summon stuff with the admin tab. Or thats how it should work anyway. Let me know if it isnt