We like to jump, jump

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that is only like the evil part of belgium, don't mind that clip, it is a bad and wrong image given off belgium :P
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fake dutch?? just because I'm not one of those "I think I'm cool cause I go to all the big commercial party's, wear Londsdale/Replay just because everyone else does and dance like an idiot" kinda guys :rolleyes: Tonight Awakenings, now that's a good party :D
Black Ninja said:
fake dutch?? just because I'm not one of those "I think I'm cool cause I go to all the big commercial party's, wear Londsdale/Replay just because everyone else does and dance like an idiot" kinda guys :rolleyes: Tonight Awakenings, now that's a good party :D
commercial? this is everything but commercial and maybe you should try dancing like this, it 's addictive ;)
lmao, I don't know about belgium, but here hardstyle/hardcore/darkcore are the most commercial types of electronic music there is, together with trance :P

oh and maybe u should try dancing like this :P at least it takes some skill and practice:


I'm one on the right, was at my own party in an old schoolbuilding nearby where I live...was awesome, was hoping for 50 ppl, eventually 300 came :D