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Sep 25, 2001
nice screenies u got there :D
that status bar thing on first pic looks kewl, for example u can see objs very well :thumb:
much better compared to league assault imo
keep up the good work :)
Thanx :)

The first Shot of the Scoreboard and the last one of the spawn selection screen are really only early development layouts and will be refined before the final release.

You can see on the scoreboard shot that the map is divided into stages. Stages allow maps to be sub-divided into sections, with each stage having its own set of objectives and time limit. Of course not all maps need have multiple stages, and not all stages will have time limits :)

In addition stages can be assigned to either team, so its possible to have maps where the attacking team also have objectives to defend and vice versa, its entirely possible to have fully 2 way maps where both teams play the role of attacker and defender.