ut2004 delayed

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hey.. i'll give it a fair chance
but i doubt that i'll get convinced from the opposite then :|
btw will there be a league for 2k4 or is something planned?
and look at the 2k3 league so much clans there.. :lol:
that game was a total flop, have to correct me then: 2k4 cant get worse then 2k3 thats impossible :rofl:
i pld some 2k3 too when it came out(i dont declare something as bs without knowing it) tested a lot of mods, where iBR was best of all but still NOT good, but insta shouldn't be all in a game. the weapons sucked so hard i dont have to comment that now i think :\

mayb 2k4 will be cooler again with the old sniper back thats one point i'm lookin forward to :nod:
Avalanche said:
and look at the 2k3 league so much clans there.. :lol:
that game was a total flop

So your judging the performace and sales of UT2003 based on the clan sign-ups in a tiny league setup.

I h8 to burst your bubble, but take a look at clanbase or proving grounds, plenty of clans on there.

Then again, there are all those people who happily play a game on-line without ever joining a clan or a league...and then there are even those who buy and game and don't even have an internet connection.
k i have my opinion u have yours.. but anyways i just hope they know they know they did some things let's say "not good" and will improve it in 2k4
It's like comparing Mario and Sonic. Game looks the same, but has different gameplay. UT and UT2003 is not the same, the gameplay is different in both (and deffo will be in 2004), so it really comes down to the individual player whether to like/dislike it. Personally I don't think UT2003 is that bad,(if it was bad, why are there then more clans at 2k3 than at GOTY?), but you can't really compare them to each other even though it is the same distributor. I dont think Epic wanted to make the same game 3 times in a rough, if they were all the same, but with improved graphics on the newest edition. That would also be lame imho. So they have to shoot in the dark, to find out what each player like.

But i'm looking forward to see what kind of gameplay UT2k4 can offer, to see if they ruined the holy assault mod with them cars and planes, or improved it to be better than ever. (Though imo I don't think it will be better than GOTY. Which is ofcourse individual taste).

I just want to hear some Top Gun taunts :D
Personally, (i think i've said this before) after several years of UT it was time for me to find a new FPS and 2k3 fits the bill nicely. If 2k3 had been the same as UT I guaruntee there would be even more ppl complaining then there are now. No game series can continue to please the public if it just follows the exact same formula (*cough* tomb raider *cough*).