UT netcode

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i read it partially. intersting, buti don't have the time to read it all. for what do i need the article cratos?

it's about how UT works over the internet, it trys to explain those weird things that happen when you have too high pings or packetloss and why. Or why ISDN is better for onlinegaming than ADSL.

I think it's very interessting, but not easy to understand, so maybe just for freaks ;)
Re: lol

Originally posted by Leo93456
i have read it in german gggg
bin net so dumm wie ich alt bin gg

wo haste denn das auf deutsch her?

btw: he really isn't as stupid as he is old, he is more stupid ;)

humm na wie gesagt ich bin alt
leider alzheimer im fortgeschrittenem stadium
frag mich mal was leichteres
ist ja schon en paar tage her sorry