Thx for the friendly ;-)

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HoD Reiskanzler

hi (-8-)´s, just wanted to thank u for the fair and nice match :)
i´m looking forward to meet u soon in the league
(next time we´ll flip the results ;) )
Re: Thx for the friendly ;)

Tanks to you as well m8 it was a good game! we sould do it more offten! :D we will also look 4ward to playing you in the league ! (then we will show you how to play the game type in ut know as Assult) ;)

Re: Thx for the friendly ;)

Hehe, at least then we got some time to chat before match starts :)

....i was asked to take the Tournament Mode out, because of some connection probs, i guess :( , sorry for that, our server is in Germany, that´s the reason for your bad pings i guess. do u have a server? maybe we can arrange a match on it sometime l8er?
Re: yep.....

cannot remember bad pings from my side. :lol:
we got no clan-server, but i guess we will meet in the league soon, so we all will have problems and major lag on uta server 1, like everybody. ;)
with barrysworld gone we will get into some trouble finding a practice server, but as soon as we solve this problem, we can have another friendly match, would be fun again.

looking forward to frag u all again,
Re: yep.....

We actually started organising a clan server on BW but that ain't gonna happen now :/ (or will it?)
Re: yep.....

so will we :) and itll 0wn the ION clan server :p like NRG 0wn ION, or will do :p

seems like many AS-Clans have no server on their own, i´ve heared, that )CnE( now, after years without, got a server...
i just ask myself how these clans train?
Re: hm......

I know, I changed my name to SexyLexy now, so they dont think i am nasty anymore :p but its still me :lol: roflmao